Rise From The Ashes

Breaking Cycles, Building Legacies: Stories of Spiritual Evolution with Dorothy Knight

June 03, 2024 Baz Porter® Season 4 Episode 10

Have you ever stood at the edge of change, heart pounding with both excitement and fear? Our latest guest, Dorothy Knight, knows that feeling well, and she joins us to share her transformative journey from the confines of the corporate world to the liberation of self-awareness after a life-altering motorcycle accident. In this heart-to-heart, Dorothy reveals how embracing our fears can be the most direct path to growth and joy, and how these personal breakthroughs are essential to finding our unique energy signature—a theme that resonates deeply for those in leadership roles, particularly within the service industry.

Dorothy's wisdom doesn't stop at personal anecdotes; she dives into the collective experience of those who shoulder the weight of empathy, guiding us through the intricacies of navigating our energetic impact and maintaining one's essence amidst the noise. She illuminates the often misunderstood journey of "cycle breakers," reflecting on their vital role in healing generational wounds and the importance of fortifying the lower chakras. It's a conversation that challenges the listener to differentiate their energy from others and to recognize the profound influence that self-awareness has on the world around us.

Closing the episode, we explore the idea that real mastery comes from within. Sharing a personal revelation experienced through astral travel, I uncover the truth about seeking guidance from within rather than external sources. The journey of becoming your own master is laid bare, and Dorothy's insights leave us with an empowering message: Embrace life's triggers as opportunities for growth and trust in the process of shedding external layers to reveal the authentic self. It's an inspiring call to action for anyone on the path of self-discovery and healing, underscored by the power of holding space for others to do the same. Join us for an episode that's as transformative as it is enlightening, with Dorothy Knight guiding the way.

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Friends, our time together is coming to a close. Before we part ways, I sincerely thank you for joining me on this thought-provoking journey. I aim to provide perspectives and insights that spark self-reflection and positive change.

If any concepts we explored resonated with you, I kindly request that you share this episode with someone who may benefit from its message. And please, reach out anytime - I’m always eager to hear your biggest aspirations, pressing struggles, and lessons learned.

My door is open at my Denver office and digitally via my website. If you want to go deeper and transform confusion into clarity on your quest for purpose, visit ceoimpactzone.com and schedule a coaching session.

This is Baz Porter signing off with immense gratitude. Stay bold, stay faithful, and know that you always have an empathetic ear and wise mind in your corner. Until next time!

Speaker 1:

Good afternoon and welcome to another episode of Rise from the Ashes. I'm your host, baz Porter, and, as always, this is a very conversational podcast. It's about other people's experiences elevating their lives, and it's completely of service to you. If you enjoy the show, if you have questions, first of all, share it. Leave a review, because that's helpful and if you share it, you're going to say you're going to change someone's life. Feedback I love it. Positive, because there is only positive, and that's the way I take it from. Give me some. Without further ado, I'm going to introduce my next guest. She, as always, is going to introduce herself. Her name is Dorothy Knight. She lives in Canada, but she travels all over the place doing different things in her sphere. Dorothy, please say hello to the world and introduce yourself. Tell people who you are, what you do.

Speaker 2:

Hello, beautiful world, thank you to everyone who's tuning into this. It's always an honor to keep expanding and connecting with beautiful souls that are in search of the things that I've been in search of and have devoted my life to. So being a superhuman in a human body and finding home and finding freedom and finding authenticity more than anything and I feel that is our purpose here. I feel we're all on a double mission, and that mission is that remembering process of who we are. That is the question, who we came here to be, and then how are we going to extend that into what I call our soul service? So that's been my double mission for the last couple of decades and perhaps many lifetimes. So I've been doing this for a while and there's nothing greater, there's nothing that brings me more joy than connecting people with their truth, and the truth is something I feel we're deeply terrified of. And the truth is something I feel we're deeply terrified of and even though we claim that we want to seek it, we are deeply terrified of it because it irony is that we've always been free. We've always had the freedom, the door was always open, but we feel very safe, we feel very comfortable in these cages, and everything that we want, everything that we're desiring, all these things that we're intending for manifesting, is on the other side of that cage. But the most terrifying thing to do is to step out of that cage, because it's the unknown, it's the unknown. We live in a universe of unknowns and in that unknown is the whole field of potentials and possibilities, all those things that we are so deeply desiring. But we're terrified that what if I actually fucking get the thing, then what Then? What Then? Who's going to like me? Who's going to be different around me? How's that going to change? And ultimately, none of that matters. What matters is what makes you happy, what is your inner, why? What gets you up every morning? If it doesn't like for me, if it doesn't excite me, I'm not doing it. If it doesn't excite me, I'm not excited. So everything that I do is with deep intention and, believe me, this was not an overnight process for me. I had a lot of time to sit with it and I feel that's the part of the process absolutely is to face fear, to face that fear and befriend it, because fear is one of our greatest teachers. All the plethora of emotions that we get to experience as humans. They're wonderful.

Speaker 2:

I've never been more grateful to be a human being and this comes from someone that has always intrinsically felt very homesick, always wanting to be anywhere but here, anywhere on this, anywhere but this planet. Basically, like many people, just checking out, and checking out could be in all kinds of forms. For me, it used to be work being in a job that I was successful at but never happy, never fulfilled, and then I would replay this self-sabotaging cycle where I would either change the job, move on to the next thing, and I was continuously on this hamster wheel of just going through the motions, thinking I was in charge of my life, making conscious decisions, but most of those decisions were all subconscious and unconscious. It was a program. It was a program. It was the universe that intervened and decided program override. It's time. It's time to change the program.

Speaker 2:

For me, as many people that I've worked with, it came as this pinnacle moment, like a tower moment, where, basically, life just pulled the rug from underneath me, and for me this was back in 2008. Up until then, I was already almost a decade in into the corporate world. I was in risk management, corporate security, all that kind of stuff, which is so not what I'm doing right now, but that's the place in space that I was in and it was interesting because, for me, that moment in 2008, it came through a motorcycle accident. For me, that moment in 2008, it came through a motorcycle accident and I was at this point in my life where I felt so rebellious and I wanted to do everything that would push the limits and that was like a need for speed. Riding motorcycles, dating a younger guy, traveling, living for the weekend Everything was living for the weekend, everything was living for the weekend, right, paycheck to paycheck.

Speaker 2:

And I've had other warnings, we'll say other signs from the universe. Before that, I've had quite a few MVCs, so motor vehicle collisions, but this was the one that literally knocked some sense into my head. So, 2008, I found myself waking up into a darkened ER emergency room to the sound of hospital equipment just beeping. I had no idea what happened, had no idea why I was there, but the first words out of my mouth were message received, message received. I don't even know what that meant at that moment exactly, but I knew some big shifts were about to take place and the life that I knew as it wasn't going to be anymore when the doctors came in and they started asking me very basic questions what's your name? What's?

Speaker 1:

your birthday.

Speaker 2:

I live here. Why are you asking me this? Oh, because you had a concussion. Oh, and then I was touching my head and it was just like crusted with like blood and bandages and all that. And that was just the beginning because, on a spiritual level, that moment when I hit my head, I hit it so hard. If you know anything about energy centers, we're connected to the system called the chakra system, the one in my head, the crown chakra. The impact of that accident my helmet fell off and somehow I only fractured my skull and had a concussion, but the impact was so powerful that it fully opened my crown chakra.

Speaker 2:

This moment, when I went out back into the world and I saw what we really are beyond the human physical form, blew my mind. It was incredibly overwhelming to see us, as the quote, spiritual beings having a human experience. I could see us as energy fields. I could see auras. I can see. I could see everything between the realms of what we've always known and what was always there. But we're closed off to these things and that's what we're so deeply, innately, always searching to. What is that other place? What is that more? Where is this place? It's all here. It's all here. We just can't see it because we've closed off these gifts and abilities.

Speaker 2:

So for me, at this time as well, this is 2008. Social media was just starting to get up and running and there weren't any really communities where I could have these conversations right. I still went back to my job and I was saying to people oh, your energy is so beautiful. Today you look like this and people thought I was off my rocker, like what is wrong with her, and I was saying how this accident was the best thing that ever happened to me and it changed my life and I was just so positive, on such a high and it was very hard to have an ordinary human experience. So at that point already, I was like my job's not really fulfilling me and neither is this relationship. So those were the things that were the questions that started coming into my awareness, along with the big question that I said in the beginning is who am I and why am I here? Whose life have I been living? Whose choices were these to get me to this point?

Speaker 2:

For me, at that point as well, I was a very A-type driven person in all aspects of my life, and the spiritual aspect was very much lacking. It was pretty much non-existent and already at that point I was 26 years old. I already had all kinds of health conditions. I was dealing with irregular menstrual cycles, polycystic ovarian syndrome. Me having children was maybe impossible or not going to happen at all, and I had tension, headaches, fatigue, acne, heels. There's all these things, chronic, like everything in such a young body.

Speaker 2:

I'm like this doesn't make any sense and I realized that this was my body speaking volumes to me at this point, saying you didn't listen, you didn't listen. This is the body saying help. So anything that we're experiencing, any physical ailment, is a misalignment from the body's natural state of being, and that's the body's way of saying hello, pay attention over here. This is not normal. Pay attention, right, but how many of us actually pay attention? And we've been conditioned to keep going, go, everything's fine. How are you Fine? Fine, fine is a loaded answer Whenever somebody, in passing, just says I'm fine.

Speaker 2:

I'm like what is fine exactly? Let's talk about fine. What does fine mean? Does fine mean you actually feel healthy, vibrant, you're living your life on purpose and with passion, or is fine that you're getting through the day Maybe with a headache? You're living your life on purpose and with passion, or it's fine that you're getting through the day, maybe with a headache. You just popped an Advil over the counter, whatever.

Speaker 2:

How many medications are you on? It's mind blowing how we are numbing ourselves out and then, as I used to, filling that void with the entertainment circuit, the living for the weekend, the checking out, the numbing out, the shopping, the drinking, the drugs, the sex, the addictions All of those are a cry for help. It's you seeking yourself in places outside of yourself because you're so afraid to face yourself on the inside, facing that shadow and bringing it into the light and the truth of who you really are. Facing that shadow and bringing it into the light and the truth of who you really are, who you came here to be. That's terrifying. That's terrifying.

Speaker 2:

Whenever I ask someone what do you want? I want my career to go like this and I want to live here and I'm like but what do you want? What do you want? Not what your husband wants, not what your boss wants for you. What do you really want? Gee, I don't know. I don't actually know. That's where we want to start diving into.

Speaker 2:

I feel that's where all the answers are and no one's going to tell you what that answer is. No guru, no mentor, no coach. It's an innate knowing and that can take some time because we have so much compounded story within our bodies. Every moment, any waking moment, even right now, while you're listening to me talk, you are telling yourself a story. You could be telling yourself a story. I like that girl. She's very interesting. I have to listen to what she's saying.

Speaker 2:

It feels like it's speaking to my soul or there's all kinds of judgments and observations and the thing is, when we are telling these stories, we have already mapped out all of our escape routes or fire exits when we get uncomfortable. We hate being uncomfortable. As humanity, we hate facing discomfort and we will do whatever it takes to stay comfortable, to stay status quo, and yet we complain about it and we gripe about it. And that is the finest job that we get to discover and work through is this thing called polarity, integration. And as human beings, as I mentioned, we get to experience the whole spectrum of human emotion and it's a beautiful thing and I find that really rich.

Speaker 2:

When people say, oh, just be love and light, just be positive. It's positive vibes all the time and I'm like where is this coming from what do you mean? It's love and light. We live on a planet where both exist. You can't know one without the other. You can't know what joy is if you don't know what sorrow is. You can't know what abundance is if you don't understand lack, right. And these are all these programs that we're being essentially conditioned by to be positive and loving. But how can we get there if we're miserable, if we haven't reconciled our past or heal through our traumas or restore those relationships with the integral people in our life that make up this whole tapestry? We're all connected with each other and we all have a story, we all have an ongoing narrative and and it's what's really driving our lives and driving the decisions that we make all the time- we always think, oh, I made such a great decision.

Speaker 2:

I was so in control and I'm like, where did that decision really come from? So I always tell people emotions are energy in motion. Emotions are, yes, beautiful teachers. They are catalysts if we allow them to be, for some really positive change and momentum, if we allow them to be. And the thing is like I said, if we have a headache, oh, just take a Tylenol. I'm like whoa, why do you have a headache? Why are you masking the pain? Why are we masking everything? Why are we masking everything Pain, who we are, how we're feeling, how much money's in our bank account, our marriage, everything why are we faking it? I feel that faking it till we make it, that's bullshit. Why are you faking? You cannot fake energy and whoever's listening to this.

Speaker 2:

If you are in that industry maybe you're a coach, maybe you're a mentor, a leader it doesn't really matter If you are in that industry. Maybe you're a coach, maybe you're a mentor, a leader it doesn't really matter If you're in the service of service and you're helping other people. Check yourself before you wreck yourself, because we live in a world of great pretenders. We all start off as pretenders, but there really are very few contenders. And someone will say to me oh, you are so inspiring, you have so many followers, that's amazing. I'm like, yeah, it's nice, sure, I built a beautiful community. But I'm not looking for followers, I'm looking for leaders. I'm looking for the leaders. And you're not here to follow anybody. You're here to follow your own intuition. You're here to follow your own personal gnosis of who you are and who you came here to be.

Speaker 2:

When you get to that level, then you are and that's just the way it is. That's when you are living the life you truly want. You own your time, you own your experiences. You own how you spend your time, who you spend your time, where you're spending your time. That is freedom. Every single person that sits on my couch, that comes to see me, what do they want? Freedom, oh, I just want to feel free. I just want to feel free. I just want to. Just, I just want to feel a little more free. I just want some freedom to just do my thing. Just be me. So do it. Why don't you do it? I don't have time. Who told you don't have time? I'm just so busy and we're so busy, busy. Why are we busy? Because that's a program right. Success equals. I'm busy. Stop Stop doing, start being. You do so much more when you start being. In a moment when you're being, there is no other time but this time, something that I've learned this is the now time.

Speaker 2:

We are absolutely the past, the present, the future, all coexisting simultaneously. We have access to the past, absolutely. We have access to the future. But where is all the power here, here and now? How many people are actually, even if you're listening to this? Are you fully here and now? Are you fully here and now? How do you know?

Speaker 2:

If you're fully here and now, you're fully aware, you're fully awake, you are fully present in your body. You are ready for whatever life brings you. You're not dwelling in the past, you're not anticipating the future. You are fully here. When you are fully here, all of your energy, all of your mana, your prana, your power, your chi, your ki, whatever word you resonate with, is here with you. This is the unfuckwithable energy, this moment, the eye of the storm, the vortex of everything that's happening around you. When you are positioned in this energy, you are not reactive, you are responding, you are responsive. That is powerful. Reactive is based on past trigger, future anticipation power. How does that make me feel? Is that mine? Is that my energy? What is my energy? That's another great question to ask yourself. So many people don't realize that they are carrying so much energetic debris we'll call it content in their energy field. We are all human.

Speaker 2:

Yes we are all energy. Energy is our first language. We all have a very unique energy signature. This is what you are broadcasting wherever you go, even when you're just sitting doing nothing. That is your unique frequency and it's going to communicate with other like frequencies. We're all like little radio broadcast stations, right? And because our energy fields are electromagnetic, that is what we are magnetizing and attracting into our space.

Speaker 2:

So I truly believe that anything and everything that's ever happened to you, you called it in, you called it in. You called it in, be it a blessing, be it a lesson, be it whatever it was, it served to bring something forth into your awareness, and that's why it's up to you how you choose to discern what to do with that event, whatever that event is, whether it's a job loss, whether it's someone passing, whether it's a divorce, these are all now circumstances that have rearranged themselves externally to match whatever you believe to be true in your reality. Only you are in charge. Only you are in charge of your reality and you are responsible for your energy Period. That is the greatest responsibility you'll ever have as a human being and it affects everything that you do. It affects everything around you all the time.

Speaker 2:

It's so important that you know what is you and what isn't. That's a game changer because, especially for women, we are energetic martyrs. You're a mother even more. You know exactly what I'm talking about. You will extend and give and take on everybody else's stuff throughout the entire day. If you work with people, you are taking on their stuff through the entire day, so notice how you feel at the end of each day If you're feeling depleted and defeated. Perhaps even you better know what your energy is, because you have likely taken on other people's stuff, especially for those of you that are sensitive. You are empathic. You can feel other people's energy. You are sensitive. Maybe you're clairvoyant, clairsentient, claircognizant all of those things. That all comes into play too. You really feel into people's stuff and they like to attach themselves to you.

Speaker 2:

This is where it gets interesting when it comes to our aura, our energy field, is if we've have experienced, like myself, a traumatic event that maybe you went out of your body, you had an out of body experience, or you've had some kind of childhood trauma that you couldn't rationalize when you were small. That's what children often do when there's a repetitive trauma, especially as they disassociate, they leave, they peace out. So then when I'm working with clients, for example, that's when I would find like a tear or a leak or a rip or a hook in their energy field and that process is all about soul fragmentation, work, retrieving and reclaiming all of those aspects that they've experienced through the trauma. So that's a huge piece for us. So the only way because people will ask me how do I know what's my energy? How do I know my signature? What's my energy signature?

Speaker 2:

Get away from people, say get away from people. Get away from people, say get away from people, yes, even your children, yes, yes. You must daily disconnect from everybody else as best as you can. If you can physically separate yourself and really give yourself some space, because our energy fields are massive, you will not be enmeshed in everybody's soup of stuff. And those are the moments where, like that, I go into nature, I'll go to the beach, I'll go to the forest. Collective consciousness is a very strong energy, but when you really start tuning in, this is just how you do it.

Speaker 2:

I ask people all right, let's do a self check. And you can do it right now is just close your eyes and come fully into your body, come fully into this moment, take a deep breath. You can assess how did that breath feel? How did that breath land for you? Where did it land for you? And you repeat that again. Take another deep breath. Did that one feel a little more expansive? Do you feel some kind of contraction? So it's bringing awareness to the breath, bringing awareness to whatever the current energy situation is. We are always in motion. If you're living and breathing, energy is always in motion and in flux. Right, contraction, expansion, contraction, expansion. We want to continuously start shifting into a state of expansion. Contraction is what makes us fearful, it makes us play small right, it keeps us confined when we want to be, big.

Speaker 2:

We want to get really comfortable claiming space and feeling good and feeling confident and feeling empowered and expansive in our energy field. And that's all from here, from our solar plexus, how we emit that unique frequency. I like to bring a beautiful, brilliant ball white ball like you can use like a. Pretend that you're like a scanner, going through like a paper. I just bring this beautiful ball of awareness down through my entire body and I pause. This is how I work with clients too. I pause and go, ooh, there's a little something there, it's a little tight there. What's that about? Is that me? Or is that my client that I just saw that maybe is grieving something right now?

Speaker 2:

So I tune into the emotion. I follow the emotion. Get really curious about what you're holding. These are your holding patterns. This is the unresolved content. So we're human. We're human. We're going to get triggered.

Speaker 2:

I don't care how spiritual you are, wherever you are on your journey. This is how you know when you get triggered and you're still in that very reactive like, hmm, kind of energy, you've got some work to do, right, where's that story? Follow the emotion, follow the energy in motion, because it lives. It resides somewhere in your body, in your tissues, in your bones, in your fascia, in your muscles. There's a holding pattern and that is your origin point of whatever that first core memory is of, whatever the story, whatever the imprint that happened to you is, it always resides somewhere. This is what I do with my clients. It's called I map the pain body. It always resides somewhere. This is what I do with my clients. It's called I map the pain body. So any illness, any accidents, any injury, wherever it's happened, your body will never forget. You may get over it. You're good, right, you're good, I'm good now. Your body will always remember until you reconcile it and resolve it and release that from your body. Resolve it and release that from your body Because our bodies are beautiful vessels to hold the highest vibrational energy possible and when we are loaded with unresolved stuff, we are stuck in this carbon-based body, when our true nature is to hold as much light. Light is high vibrational and that's why it's so interesting to me as well that so many people, especially in the spiritual world, mainstream spirituality, will say there's such a focus on overdeveloping the upper energy centers. So anything from the heart space up, right. We're always like let's go on the astral travel, let's do the psychedelics, let's go get the mushrooms, let's just go because earth sucks. Let's go anywhere but here. So my job is to retrieve everybody that's not here and hanging out everywhere but here.

Speaker 2:

There is a reason why your body, why your consciousness, why your soul chose to be on this planet right now and now more than ever, we need more of your divine genius to be fully present and anchored here within your physical body. The only way to do that is yeah, you gotta, it's going to the gym. For those of you that work out, you've seen those people right. How many men focus on upper body. It's always arms chest, arms chest back. And I'm like what happened to leg day? There's no leg day, is there? What happened to the bottom half of you? As above, so below, my friends, if you are hyper developing in your upper shock I've been there. Upper shock is so fun, right, it's so otherworldly, but what happened to here?

Speaker 2:

If everyone wants to manifest something, I'm pretty sure everyone has some desires or dreams or goals that they want to see into realization. You're going to need your physical body, you need your lower energy centers, you need to bring that energy through to see the thing in reality. There's no other way, and that's why we are so programmed to have all kinds of conditioning and subconscious programming and trauma within the three lower energy centers, the three lower chakras. These chakras have such a bad rap because, oh, if I focus on my root chakra, that means I'm materialistic. No, don't you want to feel safe in your body and have a roof over your head and have some food to eat, like you need to be here. It's that. It's that? No, that's a belief system. Stop this and let's bring it all in. Bring it all. That's powerful. That's powerful. That's called self-actualization, that's called energy mastery. Energy mastery is life mastery.

Speaker 2:

You can do all the intention setting, all the vision boards, all the manifesting, but everything is still in the ether, it's somewhere there. So to claim that and call that in and actually see it, your energy field, I said, is magnetic. It's magnetic. This is where people drop the ball with manifestation, for example, I set the intention, I set the vision. All right, it's coming. I'm like, oh, okay, you might be waiting for a while. How is your energy? Are you an energetic match to sustain the vibration of the thing? I bet most people have beautiful intentions. They're probably very high vibrational energetically. That's a whole different bandwidth of energy. If you want to expand and increase your income or your house or whatever opportunities that you're calling in. Those are things you've probably never had before. To have what you've never had before, you have to embody who you've never been before, and that again requires facing the fear and narrowing that gap between who you've always been and where you want to go. This is called the alchemy of alchemizing fear and facing it and moving through it.

Speaker 1:

So you wrote about the connection from manifestation into the physical aspect of it, from coming from visualization and attention setting back into the physical. Would you want to carry on and tell the audience how that works?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so most people have some sort of lack mindset and that's rooted in peer programming and it's a very ancestral thing. So, essentially, we're not experiencing anything new. We're just repeating what we're not reconciling, what we're not repairing. And I'm like many people who have this innate knowing that they are here to do something bigger, here to do something greater. They're here to leave a legacy, they're here to help humanity. Those are the souls that are often what I call the designated cycle breakers.

Speaker 2:

You're probably known as that black sheep in the family. You're different, you're the weird one at the parties or the family functions and all of that, but you have a great purpose, you have a great role, because these are often you are a soul that chose very difficult, often toxic family dynamics and at the time they are so challenging they don't make sense to you. You feel very misunderstood, unseen, and there's usually some deep core wounds that we experience as children and moving on into our adolescence and early adulthood. And we choose these family dynamics because they are the catalyst for choosing better and for choosing higher. And this is where, as the cycle breakers, we are called to do some of the deepest healing yes, for ourselves, but also for our family for our generations, and I think that is some of the most powerful work. It's incredibly challenging because we don't choose our family and our dynamics in that sense with whatever the story is. But when we reconcile that story we realize that it was just a false narrative we identified with, whatever the role or the identities were based on that trauma. And that's why in the lower chakras that's where most of that content resides. It's going to be found in your root chakra for women, especially in the sacral chakra, and that is truly the seat of intuition. For women, it's not so much the third eye they're very connected but it's through the sacral chakra, and that is truly the seat of intuition for women. It's not so much the third eye, they're very connected, but it's through the sacral chakra. The sacral chakra too, especially for women, once again, is the co-creative center, the vessel for manifestation and not just for co-creating actual human life.

Speaker 2:

It's for coke we we don't talk about that. We don't talk about so-and-so. Nope, don't bring that up. Nope, take this with you to the grave. No, we're finally having the courage.

Speaker 2:

Slowly, some people are really stepping into it, which is beautiful, but we're stepping into authenticity. We crave authenticity and we are craving the deepest intimacy possible with ourselves and with our partners, with our relations. Because, as I said in the beginning of this interview, this podcast is that we're all pretending, we're all starting off as pretenders, and now we have this opportunity to really step into being a contender. And to be a contender and to be a contender is not the popular choice. It will often come with people vibrating out of your life, and that's just the name of the game, because when you essentially level up, you are leveling up energetically. So think of it as a keyboard.

Speaker 2:

Right, whenever we're in a certain range, in a key humanity, even right now, we are ascending. You maybe heard of this term ascension. We are all ascending in consciousness. It's a very evolutionary point in our planetary cycle. Right In the universe we are ascending to a higher harmonics, a different bandwidth of energy, to a higher harmonics, a different bandwidth of energy.

Speaker 2:

And to be in that state of consciousness, yes, it's a self-awareness. That self-awareness impacts the collective, a collective awareness. But to do that is to once again really reconcile and to transmute whatever that unresolved content is in the lower chakras so I talked about also the sacral chakra but in the solar plexus as well. That is where most of our unresolved fears are. If you're someone that carries excess weight, for example, around your middle, or you have digestive issues, you have a collapsed solar plexus, like, all of that's going to impact your confidence. This is your center, your willpower of beaming, that unique energy signature that you have. It comes from your solar plexus. That's why martial artists know it's in your balance. Your center, this is the power center. Yes, so that is where your unique frequency comes from.

Speaker 2:

So, as I was saying, know thyself. When you know your energy, you know what it feels like. You know what you feel like when you're on your own. You know what you feel like when you're amongst others and then when you pick up on other people's stuff different energy, like, okay, different energy, oh, like energy. We match Energy, knows energy. Everybody can read energy. I think that is absolutely our first language.

Speaker 2:

That person that comes into our room, they're like the doom, the gloom and the doom, the cloud over their head. They change the energy of the room. We feel it. We don't know a thing about them, but the way that they come in with that energy, it is felt versus someone who comes in all confident and positive and smiling and uplifting. Right. They expand their energy. It's a very different energy field and that energy has the power to influence the energy of the room. So energy game it's a very fun thing to do is you can even try this for yourself is when you move from space to space, when you move into a room. Right Is how do you influence the energy of a room? You are that powerful to do it. And here's the thing.

Speaker 2:

Misery loves company. Most people and this is such a thing, especially my clients experience this well, I'm so positive and happy, but then people bring me down because you let them. You let them. You stay where you are. You stay here and even higher right. You want to elevate people with you. You want to bring them up to your level. That's how we play this game. You stay where you are. You are not contracting, you are not compromising, you are not playing small. You are none of that. You are none of that. You stay here.

Speaker 2:

If you piss them off, you trigger them. Awesome Comes with the job. When we trigger somebody, we are only reflecting back to them their unresolved stuff. So if someone's envious because you're successful, they haven't recognized and integrated their own success. They haven't done the work. If you meet someone who understands abundance and success, they're going to meet you and they're actually going to bring you up with them.

Speaker 2:

So always watch who is in your sphere. How are people responding to your energy? How are you responding to their energy? Because, like I said, the situations externally like these little orbs, these energy balls. We're all floating and communicating and talking and gravitating to each other and repelling. It's wonderful and it's beautiful, but the more you are integrity with your energy and you keep making what I call high vibrational decisions that support you, that uplift you, that inspire you, that empower you. You are doing the work, you are doing your elevating, you are doing whatever you need to do to be closer to the truth of who you really are and who you came here to be, and that's that unapologetic, empowered, sovereign energy, that bandwidth of energy.

Speaker 2:

And in that moment your circle might get very small for a little bit, but it's perfect, because you're flushing out what is not in alignment with you, what does not match that energy. Let it go. If people are meant to be with you, or whatever the situation is, they will circle back, they will have the opportunity to rise in their consciousness, but we don't want to do the thing where we drop the ball and we start all over hitting rock bottom and if that happens, it might happen. It will happen. It's happened to me.

Speaker 2:

You didn't fuck up, okay, you didn't mess it up now, time is always happening. You always have the choice to decide again and realign and we get really good when you start knowing your energy. You know your bullshit, you will know all your tricks, you will know all your escape routes and you're like, oh, oh, I almost did that again. Oh, I almost. Oh, I almost chose that again, but glad I didn't, because now I know better. So when I know better I I know better, I can do better. And when I do better, I can choose better. When I choose better, I live better.

Speaker 1:

I want to circle back around. You mentioned something in the beginning home. For a lot of people, home is never redefined and they're always searching for something. Rumi said this quote and I like it a lot because it has some resonation with this topic what you are seeking is seeking you. Yes, and she was referring to what we want to become. We are already that. We have to recognize that first within ourselves, and there are skill sets we have to have and lessons we have to learn in order to achieve that we eventually are to become. But you recognize that within different levels of energetic awareness, frequencies and I can go on forever, because it's just so a vast subject what was your major lesson in finding home for yourself?

Speaker 2:

That's an excellent question. It's actually a fairly I would say, almost recent return to self and, like many, when I had that first realization that there's so much more to this human thing, back in 2008, like many, I got my hands on as many books, as many things that I could possibly learn about self-development and spirituality, I was looking for the answers and I went down that rabbit hole. I never got out of it and it got to such a level that I identified with looking for the answers. And I was looking for those answers in certain communities and spiritual circles and I always felt like I was still looking, I wasn't good enough, I wasn't there, I wasn't finished, I wasn't fulfilled, there was something missing. And I have had some wonderful teachers along the way and I've had some really shitty ones that were even better teachers. For me, they were just the teacher that I needed to recognize, where I gave my power away to them to them because I idolized them. They knew more than me, they could see more than me, they had access to more things than me, but that didn't mean that I didn't have access to those things. It was already within me. I just kept giving my money, my time, my power, my energy to them.

Speaker 2:

So for me, there was this moment where I was in a specific spiritual group and we did the astral traveling, and it wasn't what this experience was supposed to be. So something happened for me where I had my third eye just fully open and I had the gift of seeing what was really transpiring, and it wasn't pretty. It wasn't pretty and I will share this too, because a lot of people this is where people that guise themselves under spirituality they understand how to take advantage of our vulnerability, and I was one of those people. So it was this energy like siphoning energy, attachment and that you needed to be with this teacher so she can keep extracting energy and money from you, right? And that's the thing. When we don't trust ourselves, when we don't trust our abilities and gifts, we don't know what the heck we're doing. Where are these meditations going? Where are these gurus taking us? Every dimension has its own rules and things work differently than here, and then a lot of people wonder what happened there?

Speaker 2:

I had that experience, so I returned, boom, came back here fully awake, exhausted, and said what was that? And then I knew you are your own guru, we're done with this. You are your own master. You are your own healer, you are your own leader. You are the one you've been looking for. And at that moment, own leader, you are the one you've been looking for.

Speaker 2:

And at that moment, that terrified me and I wanted to reach out to one of my Reiki masters and talk to her about this. And it's no, there's nothing left for her to teach you. You already know. You cannot know what you cannot feel. And I felt everything that was so real. I couldn't make that up, couldn't make that stuff up. And I felt everything that was so real. I couldn't make that up, couldn't make that stuff up. So for me, that was my very somatic confirmation of yeah, you got the gifts too, my dear, you can do it, you can absolutely do anything that anybody you admire does. Just go for it. Start stepping into your yes, start stepping into your power.

Speaker 2:

So I went on a self journey, my self quest. I went on the great heroes quest and I truly believe that they say, yes, when the students ready, the master appears, but when the students were really ready, the master disappears. I had no master, it was done. It was done. I was to become my own master and I never went back. That's just been the journey, and it's not that I'm not open to learning and I'm always learning. Of course, a master is always learning. I'm still learning from my students, from my clients, and I love that. That is what this journey is all about. No one is better than anybody else, no one is more enlightened, no one is more this or this. We are all exactly where we are supposed to be in our path and, whoever we cross, we are all mirrors for each other and, like I said, if someone triggers you, for example, let them be that mirror for you, let them trigger you, let them show you an unresolved aspect of yourself. And that stuff used to piss me off. I was like oh, and then like ooh whenever people used to trigger me. After I'm like this is a lesson, there's something deeper here, there's some wisdom to tune into Okay body.

Speaker 2:

I started making it a practice to become even more curious and compassionate, non-judgmental and accepting of who I am, who I was, who I am becoming, and I always found that, no matter what I did, out there, lots of great information. I always found that, no matter what I did, out there, lots of great information. But whatever I felt, I knew, and that is true. Knowledge is to embody what we experience and to make sense of it and apply it in everyday life. So I'm very, very aligned and keen on talking my walk. Very aligned and keen on talking my walk.

Speaker 2:

I love taking people through the walk and going through their walk with them and holding space for them and, as I said in the beginning, for me, yeah, home was always somewhere else, somewhere in the stars, anywhere but here. And I've never felt more physically here and more ready, more awake, more aware, ready to go every day, every moment, than right now. When I'm with somebody and I hold space for them, I do it with deep reverence and honor that they're trusting me with their energy to be in that space to go through their stuff. There is nothing greater than that. People come to see me. It can either go as okay, we're so afraid, we're so afraid. I'm like check it, hang up the coat, hang up the ego, hang up the mask, hang up the this, the this, the this. Please have a seat. Oh, there you are, just you. And that is the healing process. I don't feel we are on this forever healing quest. We eventually that's.

Speaker 2:

The goal of healing is to connect with the core essence of who we really are and that when we get there is it's like the with that movie shrek they say we're all like onions, we have all these. Yeah, we go through a lot of layers. Some people have more layers than others, some people maybe not so many, but eventually we get to that core. And that core essence is there's nobody else left to be. Just me, whoever that is for you, just you. And that wow, that is something, because now you get to show up as whatever you is and you get to express that truth authentically. This 10 years ago would never happen, never happened. Closed throat, chakra, afraid to speak, afraid to share, afraid to embody and express that truth, afraid to embody and express that truth. And I feel that's that's.

Speaker 2:

That process is to starting to unpack whatever the story is. And then, when we know that we are not that story like I said, we're just a story of something that we've experienced. But we are here to write a better story and we do that by reclaiming the truth of who we are. We are here to write a better story for ourselves and for our future, for our children, for our future lineage, our legacy, all of that and it gives others the courage to be vulnerable and to be seen. We all just want to be seen. All of those inner child wounds we just and to be seen. We all just want to be seen, all of those inner child wounds. We just want to be seen. We want to be heard, we want to be understood, we want to be accepted, we want to be loved. More than anything, we want to be loved, and the love that we are seeking, as you said in that Rumi quote, it's you, baby, it's you. You are the one you've been looking for.

Speaker 2:

So I have found who I've been looking for, and home is this. Home is everywhere, but home is always here. And this is home base, we'll say. And from home, it doesn't matter where I live, it doesn't matter where I go, I am always home. And this comes from someone who was a classic escape artist. Oh, life sucked here. I'm going to relocate, I'm going to move somewhere else. Life will be better over here. Oh geez, I came with myself, all my problems came with me. I'm going to move over here. Oh geez, that relationship. Again, I attracted the same energy and a different body. That's exhausting. It's exhausting to uphold a facade, to live a lie, to pretend. So back to pretending, being a pretender and a contender. Contenders they own their energy, they know their energy, they serve in their energy, and this is something that has also dramatically shifted for me in terms of how I serve others.

Speaker 2:

When we are still in this process because we will be when we're coming home to ourselves lots of layers, many layers, many ego, many traps are going to come your way and they are to pull you back from being great, pull you back from going forward, pull you back from expanding, and that's why I said you got to befriend all of those identities and roles, because they're going to come up many times, they're going to show face so many times. You get to know them really well and you recognize them that well. There's the one that doesn't want me to do this, because I was told not to do this when I was a child. You'll start to understand where all these identities and beliefs have come from in the process. But when we move into that greatness that's what I said there's just, there's nowhere else, there's no one else left to be, and it's a beautiful place to reach. I wish that deeply for everybody to come home to themselves. And yeah, home is here, home is you and home is where you take it wherever you go.

Speaker 2:

So coming home to yourself is to love on yourself in the highest form imaginable. We don't do it enough, we don't love on ourselves enough, and it's not just doing the weekly yoga class or going to the spa, it's loving on yourself. The parts you don't like so much, the parts that you want to keep hidden, the parts that you're ashamed of, the parts that you feel guilty about, those parts are a part of you, but they were expressed in some toxic pattern, some kind of negative expression of what that energy actually is. So that's part of shadow work. When we befriend those shadows, those ego attachments, those identities, that's when we understand the nature of the shadow and we illuminate those shadows, we bring them into the light. And that takes great courage, a lot of the time.

Speaker 2:

But when we do it, that's when we're able to integrate them and then those shadows, they don't hold that power anymore. We don't have to express them through these toxic patterns, holding patterns, these negative expressions that we're used to. We find we have very good boundaries, we have amazing boundaries. We honor those boundaries and the way that we express ourselves is in integrity with who we are. We don't have to play the games, we don't have to do the drama, we don't have to do any of of that. We are in the highest place possible in terms of our awareness and in terms of how we love, especially how we love ourselves, and when we can love ourselves like that, only then can we love others in that same kind of unconditional love, and we all. That's the love we're seeking. Not conditional love is unconditional love. That's what sets us free. So all the birdies in the cage, just even if you take that one step forward, just see what's out there. Thank, you.

Speaker 1:

I'll be right about here. I know you've got a lot on your plate at the moment. You're speaking somewhere else. You're doing an event here. You're an event over there. Can you let people know where to find you and how to get in contact with you if they would like to have a conversation?

Speaker 2:

yes, absolutely so. The easiest way is to just go directly onto my website, which is my name, dorothynightreikica. I'm also on all pretty much all the socials, so you can find me on instagram under the handle moving with mana, which means energy and Hawaiian, and then there's my Facebook page, which is also Dorothy.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Reiki, and I'm also on LinkedIn under Dorothy Knight Reiki. So, yeah, I'd love to connect with you to learn more about you and your journey and how I can support that journey.

Speaker 1:

Thank you very much, Dorothy, for your time. Thank you for having me, baz, for your time and love here.

Speaker 2:

It's been fantastic speaking with you. Thank you for having me, Baz. I really appreciate it.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, it's an honour to have you here.

Speaker 2:

For myself.

Speaker 1:

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for joining me. If you're listening to this, please share and support someone else's life. For myself, live with purpose and inspire with legacy. My friends have a blessed day.

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