Rise From The Ashes

Richard Echley: Breathing Life into Personal Development and Life Success

Baz Porter® Season 2 Episode 12

Have you ever wondered how it feels like to lose everything and yet rise from the ashes? Meet our guest, Richard Echley, a personal development coach and author residing in the UK who's been through the wringer, and emerged stronger than ever. He shares his journey of overcoming adversity, losing everything during the 2007-2008 recession, and becoming a single father to three children. Richard walks us through the power of the right mindset in transforming life's adversities into a force of positivity. 

Our conversation moves from Richard's profound story to the day-to-day practicalities of achieving success - routines. Richard gives us a peek into his daily life, sharing how he keeps up with his kids and how he crafts his morning routines. The emphasis here is on self-care and setting oneself up for success each day. As Richard illustrates, consistency in these routines soon becomes second nature and acts as a stepping-stone towards a healthier and happier life. 

Lastly, we touch on the personal development journey shaped by motivational speakers Jim Rohn and Earl Nightingale. We discuss how these luminaries taught us to harness the power of choice and the impact of a positive mindset in achieving success. We delve into the importance of feeding the mind with positive information and finding a mentor who resonates with you. As we wrap up, we leave you with the thought of a balanced and successful life achieved by focusing on health, wealth, relationships, and mindset. So, are you ready to journey with us into this transformational conversation with Richard Echley?

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Friends, our time together is coming to a close. Before we part ways, I sincerely thank you for joining me on this thought-provoking journey. I aim to provide perspectives and insights that spark self-reflection and positive change.

If any concepts we explored resonated with you, I kindly request that you share this episode with someone who may benefit from its message. And please, reach out anytime - I’m always eager to hear your biggest aspirations, pressing struggles, and lessons learned.

My door is open at my Denver office and digitally via my website. If you want to go deeper and transform confusion into clarity on your quest for purpose, visit ceoimpactzone.com and schedule a coaching session.

This is Baz Porter signing off with immense gratitude. Stay bold, stay faithful, and know that you always have an empathetic ear and wise mind in your corner. Until next time!

Speaker 1:

Good day everybody. I hope you're doing well and welcome to another episode of Rise from the Ashes podcast. I'm your host, bass Porter, and, for those people who don't know, this podcast is purely designed to give people a platform, a integrist platform, where they can speak and share their stories from promote their own triumphs in the world. My next guest is from the UK. His name is Richard and he is a coach, amongst many other things, and, like always, I'm going to let him introduce himself, because that's the person who speaks best about them, and everybody knows that I'm dyslexic and never goes well if I start reading things. Richard, welcome and thank you for being here today. It's a privilege for you to be with me this evening, or in your time, yes, this evening, in your time, this today, this afternoon, and where I am.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, Bass. Thank you very much. It's a privilege to be on your show. Thank you for asking me.

Speaker 2:

Thank you yeah, same names Richard Echley, our author podcast, actual personal development coach, founder of the school, the Echley Global Community School, which helps people to entrepreneurs and tomorrow to find their passion today, to actually move their lives forward to where they want to go. So many times people think they want to do something. They're not sure how to start the process off. To actually help them to start it, find their passion, find what their natural ability is, then move themselves forward along the path you want to create. I started writing my first books about back in 2019, was your four keys to a healthier, happier. You then wrote other books, was called a coffee read series of books. There was five books in there I never just do in the last room which was how to better relationships, and they all come together. Just give you a little stepping stones along the way. The first book starts people off and then the other books are deeper dives into each area your health, your wealth, your relationship and your mindset.

Speaker 1:

Before we go into the meat of the show, what is the most impactful area that you found in your career?

Speaker 2:

Mindset 100%. That is everything we always say. We're a mind with a body, not a body with a mind. A mind creates actually have to repair all the body actually creates the life we have. Every single thought, every action, every decision we've made so far in our life has got us exactly where we are today, which is good and bad. It means if we're in a bad place, we've got ourselves there. It was also good to have ourselves out of there.

Speaker 2:

We can change our mindset. We can learn new skills, new abilities and move our life in the direction we want to go by, first of all, thinking about it. Once you think about something, you then look for a solution, leave yourself forward. You do that in any area of your life and at any time of your life, because you never know quite what life's going to throw. You know, we know what's going to throw you. They can throw you things problems at 17,. Three problems at 77. They still going to use your mind. That's the one thing. You have control of something. You're born with a natural ability to control your mind. Decide what you want to do with your life, leave yourself in the direction you want to go in, and that's just the mind, your mind is everything to me. I love that, thank you.

Speaker 1:

Some of our listeners are fascinated with stories of adversity and overcoming a form of hardship and people. That's a very broad aspect of what I'm talking about. Can you share with the audience where you have personally overcome hardship in your life and turned it into a positive and then pursued it to help other people?

Speaker 2:

Yes, definitely yeah. So go back to 2005. I was in the construction industry and I was in 2005,. There's a big boom in the UK here. Everything was going really well, money was flowing in, everything was brilliant, and so he actually, when on holiday, bought a house in Florida, as you do, and bought a nice bit of it there with the swimming pool, and everything was going amazing. Then, of course, the 2007-2008 crash came along and literally wiped everything out. He wiped out, he lost the house in America, lost all the savings and massive debt.

Speaker 2:

I actually had to go and work away in Guernsey for a year, only coming home every six weeks to see my family. I had three children and my wife at the time, next wife now the three children. That was hard for me because I was a family man. I never worked weekends because my kids were all my life and I had to then work away from them, leave them for six weeks at a time and only come home for a short weekend every six weeks. After a year I managed to come back home again, got some work back home again, but my wife had changed and the whole family set up a change and we tried to keep the family together. But after another four years my wife left.

Speaker 2:

So I was then left a single dad with three children, three teenage kids, and only one income was trying to keep things going. So I lost everything. We still had all the debt from the recession and losing the house in America. So we'd gone through a lot of major issues and I was like just left, thinking right, what the heck do I do? I've lost everything. I've got to try and keep going, keep working and support my kids, make sure they're okay. So we actually went to a personal development weekend Because I've been involved in personal development since the mid 90s.

Speaker 2:

I hadn't been mindset okay, but I was trying to cope with everything they said because you've got a lot of information that you should need to write a book about it to help other people. So I actually wrote my first book, your Four Keys to A Health, your Happy you, as an actual guide for my kids to go through health, health relationships and mindset, and one of them to know that everything will be okay if they read the book about your parents. You try and tell your kids things and they often don't miss, especially teenagers. They won't listen to you. They'll say what do you know, you're just that. I thought if I actually wrote a book on it, maybe one of the chance they'll read it, listen to it. They did actually enjoy it and they said, oh yeah, this is a good book. I thought, oh, I can then publish this book.

Speaker 2:

So I started to move things forward that way and that just started me on a whole new thing. I got actually invited on a show called Prissy Beach, the Sky TV daytime show when I actually first released my book and I love talking about the book and that sparked an interest in me. Just personal development, it's just amazing. We've all got the ability to actually create our own lives and move ourselves where we want to go and that sparked such an interest in me. That's got to my bookwriting process and I've never written a book before. So we had to do a bookwriting course to actually do that and then find the publicity course to do that.

Speaker 2:

Then I learned that's the one thing when you, anything you want to do, you've got to learn from the bottom. Start at the bottom, do it wrong, crack it up and then move yourself forward slowly, step by step, and so you can actually get things moving forward. So it's been five years now and it's actually just opened up a publishing course, literally the last month. So it's going to take my books down the traditional way of publishing and it takes two to three years to get a book published by a traditional publisher because all their processes, all their stuff. But if you're self published, you can do it yourself and get it out in a few months. So I thought, right, there's need to do that.

Speaker 2:

So every step of my life is moving me forward and I'm like anything. I'm always starting at the bottom and I'm learning from someone who's gone before me. Find someone you can learn off, train off and move me forward, and then I can. There's nothing we can do. That's the amazing thing. Once you think in your mind I want to do something, there's someone up there who's done it before you. There's nothing brand new in this world of what's done it, which is good Because it means someone's already done it, which means you can learn off somebody else and move you forward. There may be two, three, four years in front of you and they can help me if you, for that's what I've done. I'm happy that the people have the same. Move them forward the way I was before. So five, six years ago and things are, yeah, just improved and turned around and you just feel so, so lucky to be able to do this sort of thing, to actually have people help and move them forward.

Speaker 1:

I can tell just by listening to you and if you're watching this on video, seeing you live that experience, and there's a difference between somebody who's playing at this role of personal development and there's a difference between somebody actually lives it as an identity of who they are.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I wanna thank you for that, because what I'm seeing now is quite rare actually. Oh, I can't Because you say it, you say it, but this is what I respect about, one of the things I respect about you, richard, because it's a rare thing to find when you live that identity and you live the experience and you wanna genuinely help other people. There's a lot of people in the personal development industry and this is the truth. There are in it for different reasons, and none of them, or some of them, not serving other people, as there are a lot of them are still serving. Yeah, it's a trait of the industry and it's just one of them things it is. But it's a privilege to see somebody who is genuinely in it to help other people and that's. But it's interesting because she said the spark was your children. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Do they?

Speaker 1:

still have a huge impact in your life now, I presume so.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they're all fully grown now. The youngest one's someone who's 21. My other daughter's 25 and the daughter's 28. And the after I actually lived now 100 miles away from them. It's a bit complicated. My dad had a major stroke, my mom had Alzheimer's and I was living 100 miles away from them in Swansea when my family was. But I was traveling back and forward and I met my mom and dad on the weekends and then I was trying to sort things out. Yeah, so it was quite hard. I actually settled down back in this area. Now we men passed away last year, unfortunately, but my dad's okay still, but I was traveling back and forward quite a bit. So my kids are in Swansea still.

Speaker 2:

So I've got once a month and they see the kids and they catch up with them and they're all doing well. They've all got relationships to work, got good jobs to work, happy and content and going well. So it's nice they're doing that way. So I'm very proud of them. They're pleased them. So I am.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's lovely just seeing them once a month. I'm good to catch up with them. So I usually go once a month. They see each one at a certain time so I've got time individually with them. Sometimes they've got to see them all together and you can't really have a proper chat with them. So it's something one-on-one time with them for about an hour and a half, two hours once a month, have a chat, see what's going on in their life and just let them talk and see what's going on and do that for each of them and then I come away. I know for this month they're all good, they're friendly to the health and helping them. If not, they're going on and it's nice just to see them and just, yeah, spend that time with them as well.

Speaker 1:

That's good, I love that and I think, in time, when there's a lot of people don't have the time to spend that and you've actually scheduled it in as part of your sort of routines. That's it. Bring me to my next question. Routines in the morning are often associated with mindset and the elevation. Do you have any routines that you do religiously that you would be able to share, if you have them, to our audience.

Speaker 2:

Definitely everything was exactly the same. I was doing the same thing. I've always got water, I'm always got water, so there's always water inside the bed and the first thing I do every morning is have a good drink of water, cause your body needs water all the time, 24 hours a day. We need to get water in for our body. You can't store water. You need to always continue topping it up. So every first thing is morning is water, and then always do my exercises first thing. So you need to get your body up, get your blood flowing, get things going. So we always do a certain amount of press ups, do some sit ups, do some bicycle legs, do some twists. I do about five minute workout every morning first thing, and that's my morning ritual, and I usually come downstairs there and I might be doing work on a book, whatever I'm working on in that morning, but I have a coffee first of all as well. So you have me water first, you have a cup of coffee and just have a little sit down. I just think what my plans do with this day. So you set me mind for the day. What am I going to achieve today, what my plans to do today? So I do that every morning. So that way I've got me the physical exercises done in the morning, I've had me fluids, I've had me watering. I'm setting my mind up for the day.

Speaker 2:

Once you've done that, you're prepared for the day. You think, okay, my life's going to throw me challenges that I go through in my day, but I'm mentally and physically prepared for it and it doesn't take long. It literally takes about five to 10 minutes to set your body up for the day and you're ready to go and you're prepared to face. You're going to have good days, you're going to have bad days. We all have them. So if you prepare yourself before it, if it's a good day, it's a great day. If it's a bad day, it's not too bad because you prepare yourself for it. So it's just like getting themselves prepared and getting the routines ready.

Speaker 2:

And once you do it I say I was 30, 40 days I don't have to think about it anymore If I get up in the morning and I haven't exercised a lot, I've forgotten something. I've been exercised. So the more you do it, it's like any routine and what you do it becomes part of you. So you just do it without having to think about it. But when I first started doing it, I just think, okay, I'm going to do this exercise, I'm going to do it. You have to keep motivating yourself, using your willpower to make yourself do it, first of all, until you start to enjoy it, establish it and think, okay, then it's built into me. You just have to think about it, it's on autopilot and you're ready to go. It's nice things. You don't have to drink your water, you drink your water, do your exercises, set your mindset and you're ready to go. So it's nice. It's a nice way to do it. If I, I love that.

Speaker 1:

You said about earlier. You've been doing this for a long time, a long time, for a long time. Is there anybody that's influenced you in your journey You've followed. Success leaves clues always, but you've gone from oh, that's how you do it and pursued it and followed that influence from that group of people or that person that you'd like to share, who meant not necessarily mentored you, but who you had a vision of, a role model for what you do. Yeah, definitely.

Speaker 2:

There's actually two people. The first one was Jim Rowan. Have you heard of Jim Rowan? I've not used the major personal development speaker.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, brilliant no-transcript.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's excellent and it was just one of his seminars. We actually just put on YouTube and it came on and he just said about the Goose story, about how Goose have to fly south for the winter. They've got a genetic code built into them they have to fly south for the winter, whether they want to or not To do it. The humans, we've got the choice. We don't have to go in a certain direction, we can go in any direction you want. And up into that point I've thought well, now I can't have got to do what I've always done. I've always been a carpenter. So what was going on being a carpenter and that one seminar? I thought what do you mean? I don't have to be a carpenter all my life. That I've even crossed my mind before that one seminar. It's a small thing, but I've never even thought about it. I thought I'm a carpenter, I've trained myself, I have to always be a carpenter and that things. I mean I don't have to, I can do carpentry and I can do other things. I can do anything I want. I don't have to fly south to the geese, I can go any direction and that's not enough. An amazing sort of like personal development journey.

Speaker 2:

Then I found Earl Nightingale and his stuff is unbelievable. I need to feel that you're so much stuff out there. I listen to literally listen to Earl Nightingale every day. Every day I get something on me. I'm listening and we're working and doing things. I'm always listening to it on.

Speaker 2:

You've got so many old nuggets in there and you've got so much information and you just love the way he talks. He gets it across, he goes straight to the point. He helps you move yourself forwards. He tells you different stories to help you actually think oh yeah, I can apply that into my life and do things forward that way. And he's got such a knowledge foundation. Unfortunately it's the past already, years ago, but he's made so many recordings, so much stuff out there. You can just log on to youtube and get it for free and just watch whatever you want to about it the information is getting the information in your mind.

Speaker 2:

That's the biggest thing. So we live in a negative world. So, unless you actually choose to put positive in our own mindset, we can have a negative mindset. So it's actually thinking okay, they're watching the tv and then use and what's going on in the world and there's no need to be updated. Sometimes you don't need to run down your neck all the time. She's thinking, okay, but I choose what I'm listening to, what my feet in my mind, so I can get some almighty and get in there, get some positive information going into my mind. I can have a more positive outlook and we look for solutions that are problems. Move myself forward Much better that way, one step at a time, going when I want to go. So I would recommend anyone any almighty and gaol material they can get hold of.

Speaker 2:

Listen to it again. Repeat repetitions the only way we get any information stored in our mind. You have to keep repeating it. So if you have a book, if you read the book once you haven't got the information for the book, you've read the book, you haven't got it, you've got to reread it, you've got to study it. Once you study something and learn it, it's installed in your mind. You then take it on board. Then you apply it into your life and move yourself forward, and that is so important.

Speaker 1:

I love that and l nightingale is, if you've never listened to their the podcast or their videos, highly suggest you do. It's an eye-opening experience on many levels. Familiar with jim brown and all and a lot more from the industry, I'll share with you later on that Maybe you're surprised to know about him, but anyway, a lot of our listeners are Aspiring to do other things and get information Now other than your own set of books, and I do want you to speak freely about them, please do. Is there anything that you can recommend, text wise or podcast wise? Not necessarily this one, but you listen to that really inspires you, not just necessarily daily, but really set you In that foundation of what you do today. There's many models of methods of coaching, and that's a vast industry for so many reasons. What really, what, when did you go with and what text or what audio is it you used to accompany or what you do?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you should have a personal choice. As you say, you need to find someone For you can associate with and you just love to learn from them. So if you learn you're loving to learn someone you're gonna keep the concentration going. I've gone, I've listened to quite a few different ones. As you said, there's so many. You know this is to quite a few different ones and you can just feel you're not pulled to that person. They haven't got the right connection with you. You don't connect with them. So there's no point when I listen to them Because if you've got that connection you're not gonna take it on board enough. You just let it, listen to it and not take it on board.

Speaker 2:

You can find someone who's got your own personal taste is the way, as I said with me writing gal, he just likes, he's speaking personally to me, it's just like directly to me. I know he speaks to thousands of people, millions rather, but it felt personal. So it's finding that one coach or one person that you feel is connected to you, you can associate with it. Oh yeah, I want to know what he knows. I want to be like that person, that man or that woman. They are where I want to be. Once you find that sort of person, they're quite happy to move you along. Most people will want to help you get where they are. So it's thinking first of all, who do I want to be like? We all start off at certain base level, so start like flat level and they are up here and we're down here. We want to slowly get up there. We have to learn ourselves how to move ourselves there. So it's finding who. It is where you want to be. And once you find that person, that's who you need to train, track down, get their books, get their courses, get their audios, get their podcasts and learn from them and take it on and then apply the action they take.

Speaker 2:

You can't do anything as we play action. So many people buy a book yeah, I've got the book, man, they may scan it and then you stick up the shelf. They don't do anything with it. You've got to get the book, study the book, read the book, see what's in there and then apply those things to your life and then you move yourself forward. It's not until you take action anything is gonna happen. You can plan and think millions of things in the world unless you actually take action.

Speaker 2:

Start. Okay, I've got to change myself first. That is the very first thing I need to do change myself. What I've done so far has got me where I am. So who do I want to be like? Who is my person I can connect with?

Speaker 2:

As you said in one YouTube, look at personal development. You'll get Jim Rowan, you'll get less brown. You'll get fill night in Gale. You get Bob Proctor, you'll get sick Ziggler, you'll get loads of a law hopper. So ever, listen to them, listen to each one and think which one is connecting with me, which one can I really connect to? I can listen to everything. Yeah, that's the person I want to follow and then get their information, get their books, get their stories, get their podcasts, get everything and Really dive deep into it. Because so many times people again We'll have a listen to something and then they won't bother, perhaps in another month. I love that I've been listening, but that's not gonna move you forward.

Speaker 2:

You've got to really dive deep into this sort of stuff to change your mind, change you to where you feel. The way you think, the way you act is when you put stuff in and you act on it. You're then gonna change your life. You can say, go to a seminar one month and then the following month I'll go again, but in between that you've done nothing, so you haven't changed your life. You just like kick top of that. Oh yeah, I'm gonna do that, I'm gonna do it. So you've got to start doing it. You're gonna start actually this, small steps, incremental steps, or everyone in your life get that book, study the book, think okay, then, what five things in this book can I do to myself now to move myself where I want to go? That's what it takes sometimes, what to be one thing in a book, but it's that one thing you need and it's one thing you to concentrate on and I'm gonna start doing that. Could be a house, could be a Wealth, could be relationships, could be a mindset.

Speaker 2:

Which area in your life Do you feel is out of balance, if you like? Do you think okay, that's my health side of balance. So what we're gonna do, what might eat at the moment to get my body healthy? Your body can only use the ingredients you give it to make the Sounds you've got. So if you're giving it healthy food greenery, fresh fruits there is nuts, it's been a great healthy cells if you're giving it high fats, high sugars, high processed foods. It's gonna create unhealthy cells.

Speaker 2:

So it's basically it's like that, every area of your life. So it's thinking okay, what do I want to prepare my life, how do I want it to be, and what small steps am I gonna make in what area of my life? What, to me, is more important is it we have your wealth, your relationship, me mindset as you grow through different areas of your life. Each one of these become more important at different times of your life. So it depends on where you are. What you've got. If you slowly move each of them up slowly, you're amazing, amazing, successful life. Because ethics moving forward, sometimes you've got straight on one and you forget another one that drops down.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes say, you're trying to create wealth, I'm trying to create wealth and your relationships are poor enough. You're not given the time to relationship, so then you're gonna have major problems in the relationship. So folks know a wealth. You need to just bring it balance. We've got all our lives to get us wherever you want to go. We don't have to do everything by tomorrow. Just think you got your whole life to move yourself where you want to go. So bring all these four key areas your health, your wealth, your relationship, in your mindset, all Slowly at moving you to where you want to go, and then you are a successful person because you're creating the life you want. That's that is to me as true success.

Speaker 2:

True success is thinking what do I want to do? How can I move myself up to get there? And that's it. If you're doing that, your success rocks. You're doing the life you want to do. So that's that, to me, is, in a nutshell, just that is it thinking what I want to do. How am I gonna change my life to move myself forward there, and one step at a time, moving forward. That's just yeah, just anything is possible. That's the way it is as well. I think it says well, I do you think, and whatever you can believe you can achieve. It's so true. What if you think about you bring about your life? So using your mindset to think okay, then, which of the four car, four key areas to want to improve, and then move myself slowly forward in each one, and it's just yeah, it just it's left. There's no ceiling, it's just it's gone.

Speaker 1:

I love that. One of the things you said there is it's your choice, and happiness also is a choice. So what's happiness to you? And how does that show up? You start smiling, you're full of energy, but what's happiness to you? And that changes over the time and different stages of life. At the moment, what is that to you?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, happiness, I think it's fulfillment, it's knowing, as I said, with my kids. First of all, the kids. I know they're all settled and will have it. And moving towards what I go, my son he's into his weight building at the moment. He's doing what he's building all these muscles, all these weights. I'm not I like to keep fit but I'm not he's what into that. He's doing really well and I love that. My other daughter, she does holidays, she loves doing that. I mean the daughter, she does banks and weddings. She's where to be and weddings. So they've all found. So that's that to me is that's happiness. They found happiness in themselves and I found happiness to myself. But I haven't never the wife. I've got the wife I married. I got married back in 2000 and 21 and we settled, we're happy.

Speaker 2:

Thank you very much. It's all good and we're just happy. We're just moving forward in our lives. Just, I think fulfillment's the biggest thing. Once you're fulfilled in, you feel you've got a purpose, you've got your. I feel like I'm building a legacy with my books from my school and the things I'm doing. So I'm producing a legacy for myself, and that she was me, happiness and my relationships growing well. We're really happy. My relationship, we house going well. We both go in well. I mean, mine says good, so I'm happy because everything's moving the way I want it to be. So I realized, okay, then only I can change it. And I realized I'm changing it, it's all moving forward.

Speaker 2:

It's a never-ending game of improvement. So you never get to a place where you say I'm happy, it's time. Some sad days. Okay, what do I want to do? What's my fulfilling? How am I moving myself forward? And that's if you're always moving forward. As they say before, it's the journey. The cat is always the journey, not the destination. So if you're always moving forward, you enjoy what you're doing to be for self-forward, then you're just happy. Happiness is a byproduct of doing what you love doing and then, yeah, this is great.

Speaker 1:

I like that. We define success in different ways and we always live in the moment. Where do you see yourself? A word you would you'd like to be in three to five years time it's.

Speaker 2:

That's a tricky one, because I about when, when COVID hit, I had to get a bunch of lockdown and I couldn't do the work I love doing, but I was working a lot from home. But working from home, that did my head in because I was doing the work. I love doing the computer, I love doing my book writing. I did all that but I still need physical work as well. So my balance, where I am now, I've got still got some construction work, but I still do a lot of my school. So I do my book writing, I do my podcasting, I do all the other things I love doing and I'm I am wherever I want to be.

Speaker 2:

So in the future I just want to continue doing what I'm doing. It's all moving forward. I'll be writing more books, I'll get the more students coming into my school and they're just. It all just keeps moving forward. So in three or four years I hope I'm doing exactly what I'm doing because it's just, I'm just living the way things are moving forward and just like, yeah, I could just say it's just great. Sometimes that's what I say to my wife. I must be annoying, because I'm always happy. You should know it's nice. It must be because I'm just always happy. I can't have it. It's weird.

Speaker 1:

I want you ladies to share here, can I? You've got a book coming out very shortly and by this, by this time the podcast goes out, it will be out already. Would you please share with the audience what it's about, how you came to giving this series of books and what they are, where to, where to find them, if they so wish yeah, yeah, no, but yeah, it's all starting with your four keys to a healthier, happier.

Speaker 2:

They're all on Amazon. So I'm at the moment just going through a publishing book as well, so we'll be on parntinobos. At the moment it's just Amazon. So, as your four keys to a healthier, happier you, it's just starting steps to your health, your wealth, your relationships in your mindset. Then I wrote master in your mind by your books. Here I can show you a quick, a polyglot backwards. There's your four keys to a healthier, happier you yeah that goes into health, wealth, relationships and mindset.

Speaker 2:

That I dove. I wrote other books then diving deeper into each subject. So then wrote a master in your mindset that helps you to get train your mind, to get your mind working right, to get more positive. In there goes into the subconscious and the conscious mind. You can actually train yourself to actually produce the what, the life you want, by the things you think about and actually get a vision to decide okay then that's who I want to be in the future and how you can move yourself forward to it, how you overcome things and you can get focus in your mind and get your mind really trained well to produce the life you want. And then wrote yeah, yeah, how to master your health. This goes into the basics of your exercising your heart, your lungs, your blood, everything in your body. What you need to do to create wealth, get over illness, possibly extend your life, depending on how you want to do things change your life up, get over illness and disease quicker. There's lots of different things in there, lots of different methods, different ways to beat things, exercises to do so. I dove deep into actually master your health, then went into how to create wealth. That was much more Amazon, the more invest seller last year. Again, this gives a lot of back stories like Richard Branson, jeff Bezos, caprice, chocolate, coca-cola, rolls Royce goes into all the backstories of these people, these companies. Now they actually brought wealth in their lives. There's also a 10-step program and how to create wealth in your own life, finding your passion and even sell forward step by step.

Speaker 2:

And then this latest book, which is now house to better relationships this is on Amazon now is literally just coming out. Now it's the fourth book. These are called the coffee read series. It's all about a hundred pages. So say, with a good cup of coffee, you can really get your mind going. The good book so yeah, this is now a better relationships goes in the differences between men and women, a masculine mindset, feminine mindset. It deals with problems like midlife crisis, erectile dysfunction, menopause. Goes to living together because you're finding your first dates, getting the honeymoon period, emptiness syndrome. Basically, it's like a life's journey of relationships and the first starting off to the end of relationships and how sort of companionship is one of the most important things in later life.

Speaker 2:

As I said to my father-in-law, blessing his wife passed away a couple years ago and he said that's what you miss the most is the companionship is just sat there watching television and there's no one then stuck with you. It's those little things that you miss so much in the later years and that goes through all. How to actually get that sort of Relationship going should actually think of your partner first. You're actually putting more into the relationship than trying to get out of a relationship. That's a different way to think of relationships.

Speaker 2:

Like I said, it's that way a cold fire you, the cold fires in French view there it's not giving you any heat and you can scream and shout to it all day. You would have put the match to it. You're a lighter. You would get some heat. First of all, get it growing, then you'll get the heat back. That's the same as a relationship. You got to put the work in first before you get it back. So that's just so important that's. He said they're all available now on Amazon and they've all got a whole selection there. So, yes, that's all good, and they all lead on then to the Ecley Global Community School, which something I started back in 2019 as well as all leads that way as well as how actually find your passion to move yourself to where you want to go. Awesome.

Speaker 1:

Thank you very much, richard. Is there anything else parting words you'd like to say to the audience before we part ways for today, because I'm sure I will be in contact again.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no problems. Yeah, just create the life you want. Up till now, you've created your life to the level of your hat, which means you can then create it any level you want to go. It's time to you. No one else can do it. No one's gonna come along and do it for you. It's you alone. So it's you thinking okay, then my life starts now.

Speaker 2:

After now, the last five years We've got me exactly where I am my lifestyle, my health, my bank balance, everything's. I've got myself here, which means I'm now gonna move myself forward in the direction I want to go. So, where do you want to go? That's the biggest thing is deciding where you want to go. So many people don't even think about where they want to go. They just react to circumstances, come in and off, and they don't decide what path to follow. If you think okay, what path do I want? What am I gonna do? How am I gonna change my life? Who am I gonna help first? That's such a big thing. Think who can you help? Who can first?

Speaker 2:

You've got a specialist in garden you can have by the garden, so, especially stuck, you can have books. There's so many things you can have. You have natural abilities inside of you and it's bringing them out. Then you can actually move yourself in that direction because you've got natural skill that you focus on your natural skills and, moving forward, you enhance them and you enlarge in life in so many different areas. And I said that I have people and they can get in touch with me at Echelie, the global community scores as EGCS 24, at Yahoocom, and they can get in touch with me. I can send them out a free copy, digital copy, of Mastering in Mind Zephyr. Like those, get in touch with me, I'll see the free copy, a digital copy of that, and then gladly listen up and have them moving forward. And just always remember you create your own life. You can do anything you want to do, set your mind to it, think about it, take the action and there's nothing you can do.

Speaker 1:

Richard, thank you very much for joining me. This is today. It's been a. It really has been a privilege and a pleasure speaking with you.

Speaker 2:

Thank you. Thank you very much for inviting me on and having shows. Thank you very much.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, hello John. As always, please share this message from Richard. It will inspire somebody and the best part about it, it's free to share something, because absolutely nothing For myself. Until the next time we meet my friends, please have a fantastic week, be safe, be well, be blessed, live with purpose and inspire with legacy. And for myself, take care and I'll see you soon.

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