Rise From The Ashes

Turn Your Dreams Into Reality with Leslie Flowers

Baz Porter®

What if you could transform your deepest beliefs, magnify your determination, and unlock your untapped potential in just 90 days? Explore this revolutionary concept with our amazing guest, Leslie Flowers. Leslie fearlessly shares the story of her metamorphosis, beginning with the courageous step of walking away from a 30-year marriage with merely $4,000. She enlightens us about her innovative hybrid training program that not only instills a new belief system but also reinforces the laws of achievement to set and accomplish 90-day goals.

Immerse yourself in the powerful discourse on the marriage of discipline and persistence. Learn how Leslie's tenacity helped her carve neural pathways that allowed her to leverage her conscious mind over her subconscious, a crucial factor in her success. She breaks down complex concepts into digestible nuggets, instilling the importance of setting quarterly goals and consistently striving to accomplish them. Leslie also dissects the art of articulating complex ideas in simple terms, making it a key highlight of her journey.

Unfurl the fascinating realm of visualization and belief with Leslie. She divulges the potency of holding a vibration for seven seconds to manifest your heart's desires. Discover how Leslie harnessed the power of numerology to take her family on a dream cruise. Journey with us as we unravel the science behind turning thoughts into reality through neural pathways, creating vibrations from a heart-centered place, and the potential hindrance of low vibration. Wrap up your experience with an inspiring narrative of healing through energy transmission and belief as Leslie recounts the story of her client's incredible healing journey. A true testament to the power of the mind, Leslie's narrative will leave you charged and ready to create your own success story.

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Colorado’s best business coach, Baz Porter, has a new mindset strategy mentoring service to help you unlock new heights of growth, prosperity, happiness, and success. Book your first meeting with the coaching visionary at https://www.ramsbybaz.com/

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Friends, our time together is coming to a close. Before we part ways, I sincerely thank you for joining me on this thought-provoking journey. I aim to provide perspectives and insights that spark self-reflection and positive change.

If any concepts we explored resonated with you, I kindly request that you share this episode with someone who may benefit from its message. And please, reach out anytime - I’m always eager to hear your biggest aspirations, pressing struggles, and lessons learned.

My door is open at my Denver office and digitally via my website. If you want to go deeper and transform confusion into clarity on your quest for purpose, visit ceoimpactzone.com and schedule a coaching session.

This is Baz Porter signing off with immense gratitude. Stay bold, stay faithful, and know that you always have an empathetic ear and wise mind in your corner. Until next time!

Speaker 1:

Good day, good morning and wherever you are, and welcome to another episode of Rise from the Ashes. I have a huge inspiration of a guest this morning today. Her name is Leslie Flowers and this is going to be a real dynamic interview. She's got a hell of a story behind her. She's got so much knowledge to share with you guys. I'm really excited about this. I'm going to let her, as always, introduce herself. Leslie, please share the platform with who you are, what you do and how briefly you came to be doing what you're doing today and changing the people's lives.

Speaker 2:

Well, thank you, paz, for inviting me. So that's a great question how did I, and who am I? Well, let me just tell you that the basics are that I spent 45 years in corporate publishing and training, and then I spent the next 10, 15 years working with startup companies in Research Triangle Park, north Carolina, which has the highest concentration of PhDs lots of startups and I helped gain money, generate income for these companies and then did the due diligence when the company was sold. So, with 45 years in corporate overlapping, with 25 years in leadership development, I've always loved learning, like so many of us. I went to college at San Francisco State and majored in drama and humanities, and I've flew troops into Vietnam in the 60s, lived in San Francisco down from Janice Joplin and drove a couple of sports cars. So life was wonderful for me, always wonderful for me, and what I do now is I'll tell you more about the story, but what and what I do now is deal.

Speaker 2:

Take people through my hybrid training, the result of which provides, at the end of 90 days, a new belief and what we know now.

Speaker 2:

I've been doing this work for 15 years as a master of Napoleon Hills thinking, grow rich. I've been teaching it and getting tremendous results for myself and my client and developed my own hybrid program. Once we create a new belief, our results will match it. So if we're not happy with our results our lifestyle, our car, anything like that we can create a new belief.

Speaker 2:

It is a reflection of what we believe up until that moment, but then you can always add a new belief that better serves us, that yields a better result. So bottom line is if you know what you want, we can match the belief to it in 90 days, and that's what I do now half time. I love it. I've got just calculating 500 over 15 years. 90 day goals set, an achieved based on the laws of achievement which I created because there was no checklist and they all of the goals were new to the people, so it was something they had never done before. Following the blueprint in thinking grow rich along with my information that I studied is a hybrid program which works beautifully, and so I'm doing that now part time.

Speaker 1:

That's amazing. When I was, you came in through adversity and some of the things you've done have been very, very challenging in life. Can you share a significant challenge that you had or went through in your life or weekly career that ultimately turned into a huge opportunity for you, a door opening?

Speaker 2:

Yes, of course it was more of a rebirth, or as you might refer to. It is rising from the ashes. In fact, is this the side Do?

Speaker 1:

you see my tattoo? Yes, I did.

Speaker 2:

So during that time, which I'm going to tell you about, there's a lotus, so the lotus. Took me months to figure out what tattoo to get right. So the lotus feeds itself, right, it's from the mud, from the worst looking mess. It's the rebirth. So I can tell you, my life was really picture perfect in so many ways and, of course, I was learning not to look at failure as a negative, but more learning right Choosing.

Speaker 2:

So I was married for 30 years, two children, two cats in the yard. Life used to be so hard and after 30 years the marriage imploded. I didn't want it to be over. My husband did and I fought. I have two children, we have two children and they, of course, this was some 20 years ago. They have raised their families, their kids are now teenagers and that my marriage was gone. So was all of the retirement, all of the money, and I walked away from 30 years with $4,000. And the thing is is it wasn't really about the money, it was the fact that I couldn't save it, I could not be the hero, right? People say, baz, you know well, if you work on it together, yeah, well, both people have to want to. What do you do if one person doesn't want to right.

Speaker 2:

And so for about two years I went to work. But I came home and sat in the dark and cried. I took the low road Right. I did everything wrong right by many people's standards. But you know what? I was mama bear and I had spent 30 years with this man. I'd grown up with him for all that he was and all that he wasn't. I was willing to stay together. That's how it was gonna be, but it didn't. So during that two years it was awful. It was almost like an illness. And then one day but I was going to work, so it wasn't like I was just hanging out. I went to work. I was making about 2,500 a month as a secretary. It was enough to get by. I didn't live lavishly. And then one day I got up and I said I'm done with this. Right, I'm done. It was a conscious choice to override the misery that I had allowed myself. Now look, when you're in love and you're married and you have a family for 30 years, it's quite something for it to disappear, and everything that all the years you spent saving and investing so that you'd have something when you retired nothing.

Speaker 2:

At that point I threw myself into transformational technology. This was about 2002, 2003. I took landmarks forum the second time. That's a three day transformational right. It's a technology that helps you identify your originating incidents and get to the core of why. Yeah, and then I went on and did their entire program, their leadership program. I threw myself into it and because after 30 years, baz, I didn't feel like a whole person. I mean, I really felt like because when you're with someone so I really felt like it was like half of Leslie. But I was a flamenco dancer in San Francisco in the 60s, sang in a rock band, majored in drama, and so she came back and so from that point on, what I did was continued learning Quantum physics, metaphysics, right.

Speaker 2:

And then around 2006 or so, the secret came out. Remember that movie? Ok, so it took the world by storm. It was unexpected. All the people that were in that film had no cloak, including Bob Proctor. So at that time I was living in a nice apartment and I started a meetup group every month called the Secret Society, and what we did was is each month we studied the different practitioners in that movie and I loved it so much. We had Law of Attraction, fairs. Oh, it was a hotbed, right. It was so much fun. And then I'd been asking I love this, right. I loved having these monthly meetings and talking about all this Law of Attraction and everything was so much fun. And I'd been secretly asking the universe boy, I'd really love to do this. I'd really love to earn some money doing this. But you know, I'm a secretary. Through a series of intuitive guidances and nudges, we'll leave it at that.

Speaker 2:

Late in 2007, I landed on a website and it happened to be Bob Proctor's website. Well, I didn't know who he was. He was before he died February 3rd this year, and still is the world's best expert in Napoleon Hill's thinking grow rich. He's the one who spent 50, 60 years extrapolating on that book for the stuff that isn't there. And here was the pivotal moment. So you've been waiting patiently, right so, to answer your question. Most times I forget the question by the time I get to the answer, but I do know this one. So I'm on the phone with their sales people. Well, leslie, you know we have a training next spring. This was November 07,. Next spring, you'll come to West Palm Beach with hundreds of people from all over the world. Bob will be your teacher. You will be a licensed, an LSC, a life success consultant and a coach. Right, and at that time Paul Martinelli was the president, amazing teacher and great.

Speaker 2:

I knew in the phone call Baz, this is what I was gonna do the rest of my life. It's all resonated. It just felt like they were, and she said well, we'll send you a notebook and you'll gather eight people together and you will do a mastermind based on thinking grow rich. And I said well, what's a mastermind? What the hell is thinking grow rich? She said don't worry, we'll send you the stuff and you'll be here next March with all these people to be licensed for a whole week. Okay, great. What's the investment? Now? Keep in mind, as a secretary, I had a big $500 in an Edward Jones account. That was my cushion, right, yeah, this is 07. What is the investment? $16,000. Well, she might as well have said 160,000. It didn't matter. I said I'll be there. I never thought about the money again because I didn't have it, but I knew that I was going there. That's all I thought of. Both became I gathered the mastermind. I've done over 150 since then. Hundreds and hundreds of people are now living the life they love. It was.

Speaker 2:

What happened was about four months later. There was a windfall. My ex, or my separated husband, sent me a check for $20,000. This is from some stock that we cashed in Congratulations. So there was the $16,000. And what I learned right then was that the power of the mind and definite purpose, coupled with desire, overrode the fact that there was no money there. It didn't matter, it was mind over matter. And that's not the first time I've done that or the last time I've done that. It was the first time I did that, and that was the turning point when I realized this is real and so that's. I've never stopped since 2008.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's an incredible story. I love the fact that you had the definite purpose and also because of the adversity in it, of the marriage, the relationship breakdown, how that. I get that I have an understanding of that through many, many, many, many sets of articles that I won't bore you with. But you used it with with definite purpose and the desire to create purpose within your life. You forgot about the tyranny of the how or how long this is gonna happen, blah, blah, blah. That's right. And then you went it's just gonna happen.

Speaker 2:

I just, it was just no alternative, and I didn't even think about the money.

Speaker 1:

Really, but it's nothing to do with the money, because we're already abundant. We just have to raise our standards, or people call it a vibration standard, whatever you wanna call it. Yeah, raise the standard to let it in, to realize we're already of that, yes, but people go, oh, but I haven't physically got it. No, but if there was a somebody very, very famous, I think the Wayne Dyer if you can think it, you can create it. Period Bus stop, that's it. But most people forget that. What I love about your story is you didn't, despite the adversity, despite the odds being stacked against you and $16,000 being, oh my God, it could have been $150,000.

Speaker 1:

Might as well have been, but that's the debt of ignorance. People call it a debt of ignorance. There's a whole thing I do on that, but anyway. But until you're aware of, you're already of it and you're gonna keep going until you find that way, it will manifest itself, it will occur. It doesn't matter about the how. It's the why, it's the why, it's the why and the purpose behind it. Yes, and I am reinforcing that, which leads me onto my next question. I love this. What habits did you acquire in this process that you still could or could still use today, that are unique to you, or that could be non-traditional practices but you've integrated in your daily routine, that you truly believe is in your body, that contribute to your success throughout your life? That's a huge question.

Speaker 2:

It is, isn't it? So what are the habits? Well, okay, so the first thing I had to become aware of which I think I knew inherently is that my unique ability is to articulate complex concepts in very simple forms. And you know, when we're little we have our favorite go-to thing that we play. When mom said, go outside and play, right, and I never could figure out what my purpose was until I was in my fifties. But now I know that it's what I did as a kid, that I loved. I played school and I always had to be the teacher. I was very uncomfortable as the student. I was the right one for the teacher. So I knew within me that I had this ability, and the habits that I've created is, first of all, being service centered.

Speaker 2:

I really am people first. Money second you can look at my bank account and you'll know it. Marketing and all that stuff has always eluded me. I've gotten along the. I mean I don't look for a lot of money, and maybe I ought to. I would like to have it, but I have enough to do the things that I want to do, and if I want something more, I set a goal for it. For example, I've always wanted to take my family on a cruise and the COVID. During COVID at Thanksgiving, there was a brief release where you could go on a cruise and it took me a year. We had two suites, concierge level, and guess how much it was?

Speaker 1:

Yes, A couple of hundred bucks $16,000.

Speaker 2:

The same amount of money and I did the same thing. So the habits is the discipline, the focus of intention. It's setting one goal every quarter and then taking the tasks and the steps, consistently, in spaced intervals, to achieve that goal. So the habit now is being my word, doing what I say I will do and if I break my word I will take full responsibility and make the promise again. So that habit is choosing the upside all the time, choosing to feel good and with every goal that I have set and achieved outside my comfort zone, I am now able to leverage my conscious mind over the subconscious, or what we call matter, the old beliefs.

Speaker 2:

And that is where time is saved, because most of us, when we have a problem or we have a failure, if you will, we will figure out there was a lesson Right. As we look back. The question is how long does it take you? Because you don't get that time back. Time doesn't tolerate hesitation. So the idea is is these new beliefs and new neural pathways that go along with it allow you to outweigh the old beliefs which say well, you can't do it, you've never done it before somebody, you failed before who? Why are you the one those conversations.

Speaker 2:

So I've actually, over 15 years, been able to develop discipline, persistence and to stay the course, whatever it is. I mean, I've had 60 straight quarters of clients. There was one quarter when I didn't have any clients, so that was interesting, but these are business quarters, so 60 in a row. There's persistence, there's discipline, and so all of these things over these last 15 years have now become who I am. Of course, that's everything, and anybody can do this. They simply have to be hungry and willing to do the work and give up on the idea that there's an overnight fix. I'm sorry, there's no gummy for awareness.

Speaker 1:

And that's a key. I love that point. And that's a key point because you get a lot of people in the entrepreneur, especially in the entrepreneurial world, in this systematic get rich quick, do this and you'll be rich. You'll have a mountain in 30 days. This result, I'm telling you now, if you hear that from any entrepreneur, run for the hills, it is a load of shit. Well, that's not working?

Speaker 2:

It really doesn't. But yeah, what is it, Baz, you know? Why do you think it is that we're so quick to jump to that overnight success?

Speaker 1:

Because we live in a day and age now that we demand and we've been programmed with instant gratification. So let's follow that rabbit hole because it's a huge topic. But instant gratification, I want something. I'm gonna get it now. Click my iPhone or whatever phone you have and your iPhone doesn't really matter.

Speaker 1:

So you press okay, I want that, and then within 24 hours it comes. So it's Amazon. Nothing against Amazon. Love them for what they do. But I remember the founders of Amazon trying to get this out of the ground and they were like how do we do this? Innovative trial, customer surveys, blah, blah, blah, blah blah. And they figured out in this way of doing things to get successful in a business, they must first fill an emotional need and fill it within a certain timeframe. It was nothing to do with the money, it was. This is the problem solved and that's how they market it and that's the way the whole system, the whole internet, has been set up for instant gratification. You have it with shopping. You have it with porn. You have it with entrepreneurs coming into space who have done a life coaching course. Nothing leads to people at 18 years old no disrespect to them, but they've done a life coaching course with a. I'm gonna get someone to travel, so I've got to be careful.

Speaker 1:

An institute somewhere suddenly there were life coaching. They know everything and it pisses me off.

Speaker 2:

But you know what, bez? It's okay, I'll tell you why. In Europe, if I'm not mistaken, all these things that we can do over here in the United States without a certification, they have to have a certification. So in the sense that anybody who wants to be a coach can be, but the truth is they don't make any money. They make about 35, 40,000 a year.

Speaker 1:

This is the actual statistics from Harvard University, thank you. So a startup business sorry, let me get this right because it's from memory, not in front of me 97.8% will not make a million dollars a year. That is statistics. Only 2% will make a million dollars per year. Only 1% will make $10 million a month. Only half 0.8% will make $10 million plus. And then you go up into and this is monthly now, not yearly. Now to get to that 1%, you must be making over a million dollars a month. Now you can't do it without having multiple leathers business they are. You won't talk that unless you go for an MBA or visit something like Keith Cunningham or someone at that level. You aren't gonna learn this off of the internet just like that. And it doesn't happen overnight. It takes trial, it takes error, it takes building up relationships and it also takes to your point, lesley, the character of not giving fucking up.

Speaker 2:

That is, that's it. And I will tell you that the one thing I found about four or five years ago, there was no checklist, there were no rules for sending a book. There isn't a book? Well, there is, it's underway, it's called the 12 Laws of Achievements, but all the information is out there, just like with Napoleon Hill.

Speaker 2:

Yes, what I did was I said, okay, this haphazard or sporadic results was not working for people. It wasn't changing their mindset in a positive way. That was sustainable. So I said well, I knew, for word problems, like there are six algebraic formulas for word problems, I didn't to solve any word problem. But when I was in school and they gave us the word problem, this train leaves from here and it's going this fast and all of that, I failed every time. But when I was in university, the professor said in algebra he said, by the way, there's only six formulas to solve all word problems. What? And they were simple, and from that point on, I got it.

Speaker 2:

So what I did was is I scoured 5,000 years of recorded history and all my results and came up with the prime checklist of when you go to set your goal, you do these things as many as them as you can. It's just like with the principles of success the more of them you use, the more alacrity you'll have, the more motivation and sustainability. But if you don't have definite purpose and desire and persistence, you don't have any of the rest of them. So it's the same thing. I found that people know some things through trial and error about reaching goals, but it's the things they don't know that stops them. So the first thing I do is assess what do you know, what don't you know? And then I teach them the other six. Now we've got something. Now we can set a goal that motivates, right, that creates all this excitement that you keep quiet about it. It's a spiritual seed, and idea is thought energy. Like any seed, it has no roots. When you get the idea, you're the one who gives it the roots, through your persistence, to stay with it until the end. No-transcript. Now we all have a checklist. Well, you're working with me, you do right, and that's how I Get such a high percentage of results. And the other thing is I Rarely tell about the phenomenal results, had a handful maybe 10, right, maybe 15 of Astronomical results, and what I see online is is these huge results? And I know they're not common, right? So goal setting isn't really about necessarily these magnificent results. It's about building a foundation of awareness and growing your business like this. Yeah, right, and, and so you know I am Dedicated to people having a daily mindset of wealth, health and happiness, that that they know how to navigate, that they are aware and you're right, there's only a few.

Speaker 2:

What was it? So? Here's a funny quote that Bob Proctor Said that I just love. He said 2% of people think, 3% of people think they think, 95% of people would rather die than think when we are reacting and Triggered and emotional. That's not thinking.

Speaker 2:

Thinking is when outside conditions and circumstances get in your way, like only having $500 and needing 16. Is that the the conscious use of, of thought, energy and and Using your beliefs and thinking a certain way will raise your vibration? And you know, I don't know that I explained it exactly right, but only one Faith or fear, success or lack of success occupies your thought at a time. One Thought at a time. Is it going to be automatic, automatic, which is your triggers, your perceptions that are negative, the stuff about yourself that you don't think that you deserve, or Is it going to be taking the time to invest in Learning how all this works and learning about universal law.

Speaker 2:

Oh my god, we worry about so many things, baz, that we don't have to, because if you understand what the seven universal laws Manage, you would stop worrying about those things. Yeah, so we're worrying about everything because we don't know yet that there is a partner out there, that we are co-creators and there are rules and guidelines there. Once you learn that, you go. Oh, I've been worrying about not hitting the goal exactly on the day Wasn't up to me in the first place. What was up to me was to move forward and keep moving.

Speaker 1:

Mm-hmm, and I love that, that, the analogy of moving forward there. Because, as you rightly said, leslie, most people get caught up in the BS that we create with our own foot, our own thoughts, that we materialize because we can't run that thought, and it becomes a problem when we focus on it too much and then it comes into being oh shit, that just happened. What if that happened? And we don't realize, because we don't understand the concept of universal law, not yet, not yet.

Speaker 2:

I will always leave the door open. Yeah, of course, because I remember when I was studying with Les Brown Mrs Brown's baby boy years and years ago in LA. I remember him, he's so funny. I remember him saying you know, you'll finally get it on your deathbed. So there you are, laying on your deathbed with all your dreams standing around you, looking down at you, saying we were always here. Why didn't you use us? Mm-hmm. And so I believe that everyone, every human, will get it. The question is, why not get it now and and enjoy the rest of your life, rather than waiting until you're on your deathbed when you have an aha moment Too late?

Speaker 1:

But I've been around people when they passed away. I'm not going to reasons why. I've actually seen people who are in the transitional period have phone call conversations with Things that we most of us cannot see. And because we're not tuned into that frequency, we are in that reality. That's right. We're in the crossover period. We start to jump in and out of different frequencies, different dimensions, and Bob Proctor teaches extensively about this in one of his programs about tapping into the frequencies that we already are. And I know, I know this is a loaded question. But what, what books could you recommend to listeners here? Where is it, whenever you're listening to this, that can first of all impacted yourself? We know a couple of them already. How, what significance success did you gain from them other than what you create? You've created independently and separate from sort of thinking, grow rich? And Bob Proctor's Publications right, he's phenomenal. Yeah, you know he, his work will live on as a legacy. But who else did you could you?

Speaker 2:

I don't. I don't read as much as I used to because there came a time when I got really focused on thinking we're rich and went deep. But there there are three books that I would recommend. The first one is your invisible power by Genevieve Berend BHR END. She was the only student of Thomas Troard, the head of mental science at the turn of the 19th century. Yeah, all about visualization. Small book, powerful. You can read it very quickly and get the little lessons. The other two books that I absolutely love are Bruce Lipton's biology of belief yeah, and Richard Brody's virus of the mind.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, if you're interested in understanding the distinction between brain and mind, these two scientists have really extrapolated on what is really going on with the vibration and the visualization. You know Everything is created twice in our lifetime. The first is in an image, a visual image in your mind, and in fact, while you were trying to remember something, you were looking up on the screen of your mind, which is about 20 degrees Above our sight of vision, and that's where we look to get information. That's where the screen of our mind is and the first image of the thing that you want, it Immediately has a dialogue and a vibration. You can hold that vibration, vibration Right, and stay focused. What seven mean?

Speaker 1:

Have you hold a vibration for seven seconds on average? Oh, okay, consistently on, really, yeah, anyway, sorry.

Speaker 2:

No, no, no, no, I asked something I didn't know. Mm-hmm, it's so. Those are the three books. Yes, thinking Grow Rich. Also, if you love the idea of mind these Bruce Lipton actually has proven that mind is actually an activity that occurs in your cells, because when you're feeling really great, all the proteins move together, when there's a spring in your step, and when you're feeling negative, they move in the other direction. So mind is not a place, it's an activity. Mm-hmm. And the distinction between mind and brain is amazing. Mind is actually what causes new neural pathways. I don't know, though, is it chicken or egg which is first? Is it the brain that feeds the mind or the mind that feeds the brain?

Speaker 1:

I don't know I try to explain like this and I love this analogy. It's great. In order to have the neural pathway created, we must first create an emotion from a heart-centered place. So we create the feeling from a heart, which is heart coherence, heart math.

Speaker 1:

That's a deeper subject that then creates the passion and vibration that expands outwardly, three meters beyond our severe, that creates a neural pathway that makes it a reality. Consistence, use of doing this seven seconds at a time, holding that feeling, whether it be elevation of gratitude for already having it, love for what you already have, love for where you are right now, in this present moment, where you live in this total present moment, the continuous present moment. It doesn't matter how you put it, what you phrase it. If the continuous use of doing this is, it reproduces the protons, that creates the neural pathways in order to manifest something. Now this can become from a vibrational thought into reality very, very quickly. Time doesn't exist. The concept of time collapsed thousands of years ago. We just have this confined 3D structure, that materialistic world that we are conditioned to believe in. It's not real. It's a hologram of what we truly are as source energy.

Speaker 2:

Now you're getting deeper than I usually go, so I so thank you.

Speaker 1:

The idea of building something physical. Wayne Dyer said this what is what is? Can we create it? What you can think of, you can create it. However, the concept of that and the theory of that is very relative to this conversation because it's been now scientifically proven by people like Joe Dispenza, people like Bob Proctor, many, many other thought spiritual thought leaders. But it isn't so spiritual anymore, it's not so woo-woo because it's scientifically proven and once we start adapting this as a way of life like you have.

Speaker 1:

Leslie, then you can start creating it from a much higher elevated space and it creates automattity. $16,000. You said it twice Six and one is seven. Six and one is seven. Seven is a magic number. I'm not going to answer the concept that Numerology. I hear you. Yeah, but it's a magic number that you can create from If you do something seven times, write something seven times a day $369, that methodology, but instead of doing the nine bit. It's a gateway, it's a key, but the all amalgamate have come back to that number seven.

Speaker 2:

So 16 was actually One of the there was more to it then and then for it to show up again like this was what two years ago, right, I mean $16,000, we could have done it for eight, but I decided that I wanted to hold court on the veranda and be on the top level where all the complementary drinks and hors d'oeuvres were, and I didn't want to have to run all over the ship. I wanted plenty of room, and so my four kids, four grandkids and my two children and I did that cruise and I simply said we're going next year and I set the goal and because I told you I don't make a lot of money, I really don't. I will tell you this the people that I work with, they don't need what I have. They have to want it like crazy Because I will teach them everything they need to do to do this work. But they have to want to. They have to be willing to invest not only financially but their time. They have to trust me. They have to know that. They have to trust me. They have to know that this is right for them, that there's something out there.

Speaker 2:

When is it that you wake up and you say is this all there is Right? I mean, as I sat for two years in the dark, crying in my beer and lost all my friends because I had nothing nice to say. Right, I was taking the absolute low road. I'd go to work and come home I was in the lowest vibration, I wasn't sick. But then one day, I know, it was the universe, through intuition and imagination, that said that's it. You're done Now. It took me 15 years to get over it. Three steps forward, two steps back. But it's amazing to me that finally, after 15 years, I was able to get over it. And I will tell you, if I had stayed in that marriage, I would not be where I am today, helping people realize that they are the hero of their own story. In fact, they've been doing all of this, baz, since they were children. It is in the distinction of what it is you've been doing and then repeating it.

Speaker 2:

All you have to do is look at a little kid right, it's supper time, right and you see your child or your grandchild pushing the chair over to the counter next to the refrigerator. What are you doing? This is a toddler. I want a cookie. They're on the refrigerator, but it's supper time, doesn't matter, they will climb on the counter. They don't care if they fall, they don't care if they're scolded, all they care about is the cookie. That is what we've been doing.

Speaker 2:

So we've had definite purpose, we've had desire, we have manifested with the universe. We forgot, and I will show you the simple steps. You know from thinking. Grow rich in my own work so that you remind yourself. Oh yeah, I mean think about this. When I was a kid, in maybe first or second grade, I remember the teacher saying Leslie, stop daydreaming and pay attention to the lesson. Daydreaming is visualization. It was programmed right out of us. It was visualization. That kid with that cookie. He could taste it, he could smell it, it didn't care, he didn't care about the ramifications. And that's what's missing. We have so convoluted with beliefs and sensory overload that we don't even know. We have to be reminded and taken back to the very beginning. We have to remind ourselves how powerful we are.

Speaker 1:

And that's a key takeaway from the whole of this conversation. We have to remind ourselves daily in these habits, in these belief systems that we have built over years and years of misinformation being put down at fear. If we stop feeding ourselves that and start feeding ourselves, I have the power. I am the belief, I am an aspect of source of energy of God. Whatever you believe in, this is an open space, it doesn't matter. But as long as we keep telling ourselves that and reinforcing it, people say about affirmations you can repeat to yourself as much as you like the same thing, but until you believe it, it will not happen.

Speaker 2:

Well, isn't it, though, the repetition that creates belief Correct?

Speaker 1:

So the repetition is the mother or skill, but in order to really embody it, you must feel what it is.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and then let me give you a further distinction. You're going to love this. There's a difference between emotions and feelings. Correct, the feelings are conscious, the emotions are subconscious. That distinct. There's a distinction there, right? So you do know. So it's yes. When you say it's the feeling, it's that higher vibration and primarily those lower, or the subconscious beliefs, the negative beliefs, have a low vibration. So you know, our body can actually heal itself. As you have said, people have healed themselves through thinking. You can do it too.

Speaker 1:

I'll tell you a quick story. I don't normally share this publicly. I don't normally share this, but I will briefly. When I was traveling a few days out in the United States, I was privileged to help people for donations, etc. Etc. I ended up in a place, a little place called Chicago downtown. You may or may not have heard of it, I know it was freezing cold and it was in Polivor, section 2019.

Speaker 1:

And I stood outside a bus stop waiting for a grey-haired bus and a middle-aged lady came, was sat next to me, she was in tears, she was in a wheelchair and I was like, hi, how are you? You good? And she was like no. And she was like, is it to tell me her story? And I stopped halfway through and I said, well, can I just hug you, can I just give you a hug? You can tell me what you want, but I want to hold you. What I didn't tell her is I was transmitting energy and I didn't ask permission. I thought back. She couldn't understand it, so I just did it. We exchanged numbers. I made sure she was feeling better.

Speaker 1:

Two and a half weeks later, she calls me. She'd driven from Kentucky, where she went home, to Colorado, where I live now, and she went whitewater rafting in the winter freezing, freezing cold. This was, yeah, coming out winter, into May, june. So I'm like, holy shit, you did what I said. I now can walk again. This is a person that the doctors told her she had severed her spinal cord in two places One behind the heart and one on the C7, c8, the sector just below where the waist was and they would not operate because the one behind the heart was too dangerous. It took her two weeks to believe in herself. It took her three days to get a car and drive the day and a half two day journey from Kentucky to Colorado. I don't know yet how long it is, but she healed herself, not because of me, but I gave her the space to stop believing in herself. I don't ever regret it, any healing that I've ever participated in. As me, I'm just a conduit of energy to open up and hold space. Gosh.

Speaker 2:

I love that story.

Speaker 1:

This is definitive. She walked back to the hospital, walked in with a little scan and going fuck you, I can walk. I'm like this is a medical miracle. Holy shit, what did you do? She went. I believed in myself. That was it.

Speaker 2:

That's amazing.

Speaker 1:

But the power of self-belief, Taking the outside world from someone who I know can't to actually yes, I can, and I'm gonna show you I can do it through my own belief processes. I know.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Dispenza did the same thing. This is proven science. And when he said to them I'm gonna do this, and the doctors were like, okay, you're a bit cray cray, whatever. It took me six weeks to heal something like a sickle seven vertebrae in his back. He was told he would never walk again. And he speaks about this publicly. You know of the idea of transitioning from thought into matter, through self-belief, through intentional desire, et cetera, et cetera, into its physical result. But you have to have the perseverance. He, joe Dispenza, dr Joe Dispenza, then also knew it wasn't gonna happen overnight. I can't mention the name because I haven't got permission to do so. Okay, but the person that healed her legs and created herself to walk again didn't knew it wasn't gonna happen overnight, but she had a desire, she had a belief that it was possible. And all I told her simply was if you can believe it, there's a possibility, it can happen. But you must believe within yourself.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

That was it.

Speaker 2:

You know you bring up another subject which is just so important for people to get curious and hungry for this stuff. I remember about 15 years ago I went through the silver mind control training, right. So anybody who tells you that you can do it overnight with hypnosis or mind Marshall.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

It's Marshall Silver.

Speaker 2:

Marshall, silver Marshall.

Speaker 1:

Silver does something similar.

Speaker 2:

So Silver? The reason I know about him and did this training was is one of my clients grew up with his children. He was a Mexican American and with children in Texas and wanted his whole method of mind control was for his kids to do better in school. And my friend grew up next door, so she got the silver training. Now what I can tell you is with hypnosis it works, silver mind control works, but that's not the end of it. So one of the things I learned was how to heal other people from a distance. I mean, it is the mind. There is so much out there. There's so much, so many wonderful things. I look back on learning how to heal another person from distance who the heck knew. But he knew how to create this and I actually did it.

Speaker 2:

Not that this is my work, but it's having faith, trying yourself. I mean, isn't it just like walking over hot coals with Tony Robbins? It's all mindset, right. You got to get yourself into this frequency of belief, belief in the universe, belief in yourself, this high thought frequency that outweighs completely, it obliterates your natural fears. Because only one will prevail, right, baz? Only one you're either gonna be afraid or you're not. You're gonna have faith and really you can do this. You've got to find somebody First of all. You know you.

Speaker 2:

Like I said, you don't need this, you have to want it, and that's why I don't have a lot of clients because they don't all want it right now. One day they'll be ready, and I've had people that have done, you know, as many as five years, which is 20 consecutive business quarters, because it just keeps getting better and better. They get better and better. And then I've had people that have done one or two business quarters. They all learn what they already knew and how to influence their results. Right, if you don't like your lifestyle or you want to improve it, it's all based on what you believe. We'll create a new belief. Then I know how to do it. Let's do it together and in 90 days you'll have a new one about your ability, your deserved ability.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I love this. I wanna this is what I'm gonna say now, because I know people will get what they call itchy feet syndrome, especially if it's podcasts. So I would like you to come on for a second part of this, because I wanna carry this on this. I love it, so I'd love you to come on for a second episode if you're willing to.

Speaker 2:

I am.

Speaker 1:

And we'll be bringing this conversation.

Speaker 2:

We'll be fine, I am absolutely willing, and the right people will be. You know, maybe the people that are listening to this or the replay, you know they might have thought well, I'm ready. Yeah, you nobody can tell you when you're ready. Right, you know, but keep in mind, you don't need any of this, you're pretty good on your own. It's about wanting, overneeding. Wanting is a higher vibration, yeah, needing is a lower vibration. You're gonna do it anyway. Right, you would have already, right, if you knew how. So, yeah, I'd love to. And thank you to all your listeners and thank you for inviting me and thank you to privilege from that.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna leave it there. Yes, now I take a pause in this conversation, please For myself. Thank you very much, leslie. You will see very, very soon and I'm gonna put all the links in the description with this for Bruce Lipton, the invisible power, if Leslie wants to share a website or a feature with me. I'm not happy to put that in there too. Okay, thank you very much. Good night, god bless. Remember, always be blessed and believe in yourselves.

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