Rise From The Ashes

The Art of Inner Strength Nate Zeleznick and the Path of Ascension

July 08, 2024 Baz Porter® Season 5 Episode 3
The Art of Inner Strength Nate Zeleznick and the Path of Ascension
Rise From The Ashes
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Rise From The Ashes
The Art of Inner Strength Nate Zeleznick and the Path of Ascension
Jul 08, 2024 Season 5 Episode 3
Baz Porter®

Have you ever considered the possibility that within you lies dormant powers, just waiting to be awakened? Join us as Nate Zeleznick, a master of spiritual and martial arts, shares his transformation from a bullied youngster to a teacher of 'Jedi' abilities. Through his captivating story of personal growth and discovery, Nate demonstrates that the trials we face can be the catalysts for our greatest leaps in personal empowerment.

Embarking on a journey beyond the physical, we also explore the transformative world of breathwork and energy healing. As I recall my own experiences with these ancient practices, we'll uncover how a simple yet profound shift in breath can unlock a well of inner strength. From a deflating episode at the Indonesian embassy to an awe-inspiring display of energetic healing, these stories will leave you astounded by the untapped potential that resides within each of us.

As the episode unfolds, we'll traverse the realm of non-local consciousness and the science that supports it, examining how our minds can perceive and interact with the world in ways we never thought possible. With insights from experts like Nassim Haramein, we'll discuss the implications of mind sight and the superhuman capabilities that lie just beneath the surface of our subconscious. So, tune in and join the conversation that may just alter the trajectory of your life, revealing the latent 'superpowers' you hold within.

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Colorado’s best business coach, Baz Porter, has a new mindset strategy mentoring service to help you unlock new heights of growth, prosperity, happiness, and success. Book your first meeting with the coaching visionary at https://www.ramsbybaz.com/

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Friends, our time together is coming to a close. Before we part ways, I sincerely thank you for joining me on this thought-provoking journey. I aim to provide perspectives and insights that spark self-reflection and positive change.

If any concepts we explored resonated with you, I kindly request that you share this episode with someone who may benefit from its message. And please, reach out anytime - I’m always eager to hear your biggest aspirations, pressing struggles, and lessons learned.

My door is open at my Denver office and digitally via my website. If you want to go deeper and transform confusion into clarity on your quest for purpose, visit ceoimpactzone.com and schedule a coaching session.

This is Baz Porter signing off with immense gratitude. Stay bold, stay faithful, and know that you always have an empathetic ear and wise mind in your corner. Until next time!

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Have you ever considered the possibility that within you lies dormant powers, just waiting to be awakened? Join us as Nate Zeleznick, a master of spiritual and martial arts, shares his transformation from a bullied youngster to a teacher of 'Jedi' abilities. Through his captivating story of personal growth and discovery, Nate demonstrates that the trials we face can be the catalysts for our greatest leaps in personal empowerment.

Embarking on a journey beyond the physical, we also explore the transformative world of breathwork and energy healing. As I recall my own experiences with these ancient practices, we'll uncover how a simple yet profound shift in breath can unlock a well of inner strength. From a deflating episode at the Indonesian embassy to an awe-inspiring display of energetic healing, these stories will leave you astounded by the untapped potential that resides within each of us.

As the episode unfolds, we'll traverse the realm of non-local consciousness and the science that supports it, examining how our minds can perceive and interact with the world in ways we never thought possible. With insights from experts like Nassim Haramein, we'll discuss the implications of mind sight and the superhuman capabilities that lie just beneath the surface of our subconscious. So, tune in and join the conversation that may just alter the trajectory of your life, revealing the latent 'superpowers' you hold within.

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Colorado’s best business coach, Baz Porter, has a new mindset strategy mentoring service to help you unlock new heights of growth, prosperity, happiness, and success. Book your first meeting with the coaching visionary at https://www.ramsbybaz.com/

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Friends, our time together is coming to a close. Before we part ways, I sincerely thank you for joining me on this thought-provoking journey. I aim to provide perspectives and insights that spark self-reflection and positive change.

If any concepts we explored resonated with you, I kindly request that you share this episode with someone who may benefit from its message. And please, reach out anytime - I’m always eager to hear your biggest aspirations, pressing struggles, and lessons learned.

My door is open at my Denver office and digitally via my website. If you want to go deeper and transform confusion into clarity on your quest for purpose, visit ceoimpactzone.com and schedule a coaching session.

This is Baz Porter signing off with immense gratitude. Stay bold, stay faithful, and know that you always have an empathetic ear and wise mind in your corner. Until next time!

Speaker 1:

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to another episode of Rise from the Ashes. I have an amazing guest today who has been really transformational in a lot of people's lives with a lot of different things. But, more importantly, he has his own story to tell the world and that's why I invited him on today. I'd like to introduce Nate. Nate, please say hello to the world and tell everybody what you do, please.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much for having me and hello to everyone out there watching or listening right now. My name is Nate Zalesnik and for the past 25 years I have been one of only two Americans allowed to steward a very special form of meditation, martial arts, breath work, energy work, healing, but also development, and I know that sounds like a lot, but in 1999, I was able to bring the very first group of this very special art over here to prove that blind people can actually see without their eyes and do so in a vibrational way. So, if you think about it this way, I train Jedis. I've been doing this legitimately for the past 25 years and over these past couple decades we've been able to prove to physicists, to medical professionals, to as possible millions of people unlock their highest potential in a way that doesn't force them to A believe in a specific belief structure that they may not resonate with and maybe didn't grow up in that, and B doesn't go against their belief structures that they already have. So that's one thing that I love about what I do is it doesn't conflict. What it does is it elevates, and this helps people ascend into their highest nature in a way that works for them and it doesn't put them into a box. In fact, it takes the box that they've been in and explodes it. So they start to really realize and tap into their divine highest potential, that our society, maybe their family, their spouse themselves, their friends no one has told them that it's okay to be this unlimited, and so I help people literally step into their Jedi abilities.

Speaker 2:

So that's the start of my story, and how this all got started was actually through bullying, believe it or not, growing up in a very small town here in Utah. People who are familiar with Utah know that there is a very specific religion here in Utah that pretty much runs everything. Growing up as a child not being part of this religion in a very small town was, I'll put it this way I was the youngest person in my grade. I was the smallest one in my grade. I was the smallest one in my grade, not like everybody else, and I became a very easy target, not just for a bully but for groups of them. So from the age of five, when I first entered school as a kindergartner, all the way until I got to high school, in age 15, 16, it was a daily struggle where I was highly physically and mentally bullied by one or more people on almost an everyday basis, even during the summer. Sometimes they would come to my house and kick my ass. So this is something where I never felt safe.

Speaker 2:

So why this is really relevant to what I do now is this actually is what propelled me into a spiritual life where, around the age of 11, I started having very suicidal, dark thoughts on a regular basis. I didn't feel safe and I thought that everything in my whole life was it was a poor me, a victim mentality, but I didn't know what else to do because I was really in a spot where I felt under attack at all times, and so when I was around 12, I had something start to happen to me, for me, that I couldn't explain to anyone there. Now I can explain it very well and it's much more talked about, but that was out-of-body experiences where my consciousness would leave my body and I would be able to see everything around me. I would see my body laying there, just relaxed, sleeping in my bed, and then I would be able to travel sometimes and go outside my house and do all kinds of amazing things, and it was, I think, in a lot of ways it was like my soul or my higher self was telling me Nate, there's more than just the suffering that you've been going through. There's more that you can do, have and be. Pay attention, it gets better. And I really credit the bullying with pushing me, pushing my evolution, into this, because if I had just been like everybody else, focused on the outward, physical things, I probably would never have had these things happen. And so when that started occurring, I started to expand, had these things happen, and so when that started occurring, I started to expand. I started to realize that I'm more than my physical body.

Speaker 2:

And fast forward a few years. I'd tried so many different martial arts. I loved martial arts ever since. I saw Jedis and I saw ninjas. I wanted to be a nin-Jedi. Finally, when I was about 16, I could join a martial arts dojo. It was a strip mall martial art typical in the US but there was no internal aspect, there was no mental, there was no energy work. That's what I really longed for.

Speaker 2:

When I was 23, I ordered a course out of Black Belt Magazine. This is straight out of a movie. You could not have planned this. This has got to be some kind of divine architecture that put all of this in place to lead me to exactly where I'm at right now. I ordered a course out of Black Belt Magazine that guaranteed me inner power in two weeks or I got my money back. Being a typical Westerner, I was like two-week guarantee, I can't go chi that fast, let's do it". And so I got this course, and it turned out to be complete garbage.

Speaker 2:

But it did come with a VHS tape, and on this VHS cassette it showed Indonesian martial arts, which are very rare in the United States, indonesia being the third largest and most populated nation in the world. Martial arts are just a way of life, but the Japanese kept karate secret until the GIs brought it back in World War II. A lot of the Asian cultures tried to keep their martial arts and their spiritual arts to themselves, indonesia being no different, and so it was very rare to find anybody that did Indonesian martial arts. So when I first saw this, I was blown away, because I'd seen a lot of martial arts but never anything like this. Their movements were so graceful and they were different than what you'd see in Kung Fu or Karate or Ninjutsu or anything else. But then I saw people doing the most amazing feats of mind over matter and most people, I think, have seen a martial artist break a board or a brick before. I'd never seen people breaking stacks of iron and steel and stone this thick, just barely touching it, and I was like, wow, that's pretty impressive, that's really amazing.

Speaker 2:

But what I saw next is what really took my life into a different place, and that was I saw people who were blindfolded or blind and they were able to do everything that people with sight could do, like driving cars through traffic in Jakarta. Anybody who's ever been to Southeast Asia and driven there knows that's a feat. Whether you have eyes or not, that work. They had military people who could shoot targets out of people's hands while they were blindfolded. They had blind people who could read written material and their eyes were white as a sheet and I thought, no way, this can't be. There's no way that's possible.

Speaker 2:

But this other part of me that had been involved in this out-of-body travel and having researched out-of-body experiences and remote viewing and the other psy-ops that even our government has paid for our spies to use, something was going. Pay attention, jedis might just be real. And the next day I watched a blind woman almost get killed right in front of me trying to cross the street and I put two and two together. Right there I wonder if those Indonesian people can help that lady. And all I can tell you is that it became a mission, a spiritual imperative. Right there I had to find those Indonesian people and I had to see if they could help her.

Speaker 2:

Now, I'd never met a blind person before, so I had no connection to the blind community. I just knew this is something in my heart I have to do, and so I took about the next two weeks and I found them and I brought them over to America to do the very first demonstrations ever of this art, which in Indonesia is a cultural heritage like baseball. If you say it here, maybe you haven't played baseball, but everybody knows what baseball is, it's our national sport. So over there, if you say the words, marpatiputi means white dove, everybody in Indonesia knows what it is, everyone. But they had never allowed it outside their country before, for 500 years, passed down in a royal family in Java, they only released it to the Indonesian people in 1963 to help stop a coup d'etat that was happening there. But it wasn't until I brought the very first team of these people over here to the United States and they saw what I was willing to do to bring this here to help them and help further their mission to help not just blind people but all people that they allowed me to become the very first non-Indonesian person they allowed to learn this, and that was in 1999.

Speaker 2:

And shortly thereafter, after I started training under a special former special forces trainer, former Patiputi, who just happened to live in Salt Lake City 35 minutes from me, just happened to of all the whole entire country, there just happened to be a guy within an hour. And then one of my younger brothers joined me and together we were able to go through the ranks in advance. We were able to open the very first school by actually bringing the 11th generation Royal Family heirs over here to Utah to personally test us and inaugurate us and did a lot of training with them directly. And for 20 years we owned one of the largest martial arts and meditation academies in the country. And then COVID came along and, as we all know for the service-based businesses martial arts studios, dance studios, yoga studios about half of the people in the industry went out of business permanently within the first six months.

Speaker 2:

Now we were able to hold on a little bit longer than that, but in the end people didn't want to spar over Zoom with peanut butter and jelly sandwich in their hand, which happened a lot, but then also people with the masks. There was a lot of fear and a lot of stigma behind it and it was just. The attrition rate was incredible. And so we pivoted to a seminar, workshop and teaching just the blindfolded skill, and now I, my brother and I, have actually split and done our. We're doing our own things because I'm bringing the integrated ascension method in a different way. So not just teaching the blindfolded skill, but also the more potty putty skills of inner power generation, specifically to increase our health, our stamina, our vitality, our athletic performance, our self knowledge and our embodied consciousness.

Speaker 2:

Also the energetic healing aspect. We live in such a toxic time where we have toxic food, water, air, the waves, the different things that are always bombarding us, whether it's EMF, whether it's 5G all these things that are constantly bombarding us, our bodies, are true miracles that we can actually deal with all of this stuff. But imagine if there was a method that you could do with even just 10 minutes a day, maybe less. That would help your body detox better, be stronger, have a more spiritual evolution if that's what you wanted, it's not necessary but also things along the lines of being able to heal fast. We have a body that it's such a miracle that it can heal the way that it does. Because I don't really believe in energy healers as bad as I don't, I believe that there are people that can help people move into homeostasis more with energy so that they can heal for themselves. Correct, and so that's something that we really specialize in.

Speaker 2:

My integrated ascension method, or the I am, is helping our bodies heal, but then also being able to heal other people. But it's not through channeling, like most of the ones that people are familiar with, like Reiki or Dr Joe's quantum healing. It's not channeling through you, what it is. We build the energy within ourselves to then be able to impart that to other people and help their body balance, and we see some amazing results borderline, miraculous or maybe even miraculous from those things, and that's really my passion is to help as many people step into their purely powerful nature that they were all born to do.

Speaker 2:

And B we have so many things that are against us Having a method, a tried and true method that could, can actually be broken down scientifically with a do this and you will feel this.

Speaker 2:

That is something that is really lacking in a lot of ways. That in our Western society, where we have a high degree of skepticism, really helps us be comforted, because if I do something for 10 minutes and I feel a thousand times better at the end of it, you can't deny that that's how I feel, but we could also track it with our blood pressure, with different chemical markers, we can find out oh wow, we're actually doing something amazing in the body, and it's a breathwork system that there's nothing else like it in the world. It truly stands alone. So even if somebody is a Wim Hof level three instructor, they try this and they're just blown away. This is unique, and so I really like the fact that I can bring something unique and special to the world as well yeah, and this is what one of the things I like about what you do is, because it is unique.

Speaker 1:

As you said earlier, there's so many people and this isn't knocking them people trying to do something through very old, outdated techniques. Yes, they work, but, to a point, what you have is far beyond anything I've ever heard of and I've experienced some of it with speaking to you in person other things, we interactions we've had but all of these things are stacking on that core level of knowledge that you have, or we have the power within us to change our own energy, whether that's quantum energy, whatever you want to call it. How did you discover that and what was your first experience of you actually doing?

Speaker 2:

it Okay. So do you mean the energy healing part?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, when you first started this and you were like, oh, this is different, and what was that experience?

Speaker 2:

like for you. Yeah, so it's the thing, okay. So, baz, when I started this back in 1999, nobody was talking about breath work. Nobody, don't get me wrong. Kundalini, yoga and pranayama has been around for thousands of years. Right, so there are people in the world that were talking about it, but it was not a buzzword term. In fact, that wasn't going to happen for another close to 20 years when Wim Hof helped break this out and make it. But the same thing also happened with meditation, even the Beatles in the 1960s helping to bring that to the forefront a lot with their tutelage, with Maharishi, mahesh Yogi and the different things that were happening at that time.

Speaker 2:

But how long has meditation been around? So, for me, the first time that I did this breath work and they said, okay, it was interesting, because they didn't speak English, so it was very difficult for me to learn. It was interesting because they didn't speak English, so it was very difficult for me to learn. They were trying to. How do you do charades when you're talking about a breathwork discipline where your eyes are closed? It was a challenge, but once I started getting it, I was like holy shit, it is not something you do for 20 minutes. This. You do it in the first 30 seconds. You just it grabs ahold of you and shows you this is the power that you have inside you. So for me it took about 30 seconds. But as far as the actual healing, that's an interesting story, bez.

Speaker 2:

When I brought these people over the very first time in 1999, and I set up these different demonstrations where they could show this blindfolded scale and the martial art to people, I did one at Weber State University, my alma mater. I had all the different news stations here from Utah, different Utah TV stations. But then we went to the Indonesian embassy in Washington DC. We were going to do a demonstration for the ambassador and his wife and all the Indonesian people there. They were going to teach me how to break a steel file. Now, when you say steel file, yeah, like a steel file, like a file, and so we were able to go to Home Depot and get some files that would be suitable for this. And we went to the embassy and it wasn't the demonstration time, it was just in the afternoon.

Speaker 2:

Now I had done some of this breath work, just maybe for an hour total, and they're like, okay, this is how you're going to break a file and I had an interpreter there this time and so I watched this man come up and he trained in Merpati Putih, the white dove system. He trained in it for a couple of years, indonesia. He came up and he put his. They had two folding chairs and they had a steel file in between. He put his hand on it and he did this breathing exercise and he hit it and it just exploded and I was like whoa, that was awesome.

Speaker 2:

Then they had this older woman in her mid-50s come up and she had trained in Marpati Puchi too. She came up and put her hand on the file and did her breathing exercise and right through the file and I was like holy cow, okay, I got this. I'm of Russian descent, I'm not a small Asian person. I can do this and I go up and I'm bodybuilder at the time, so I'm like I got this. So they gave me the smaller file. They weren't the 12 inch file, they gave me a 10 inch file and I was like, okay, yeah, no problem, I saw how it's done. I got this right, typical cocky American attitude, put my hand on it, they guided me through it. I put all of my body weight into this. I was like there is no doubt this is going down.

Speaker 2:

I and what happened was the chairs collapsed, the file didn't break and this small little bone over here went break. And I was going to myself I won't say it because there might be children listening, but they are all the colorful words in my mind and they're like no, I'm like you think, oh, let me go back 10 seconds in time please. They set the chair back up and I went up and I hit it again and then I tried a third time and I went like this. I was like nope, it was already swelling about here. Within five minutes it was starting to turn black and blue. I couldn't move my pinky and my hand at all. These, just these three fingers couldn't move them at all. I knew it was broken. I could feel the bones grating, the crepitus inside, and so they're like we're gonna teach you healing exercise. So they taught me this energetic healing exercise and I did it about five times in a row and it took maybe about five minutes and within ten minutes baths, the swelling was almost completely gone. I felt the bone set back into place and I could move my fingers again. Of course I'm not gonna go out swing on the file again. But, but within literally 10 minutes, the swelling from a break had gone down to almost nothing and I was like, okay, I just proved it to myself because I've hurt myself before. I know what sprained ankles and broken bones feel like. Not my preference. So the fact that this did such a turnaround and we've had I've had dozens of students over the years when they're doing their breaking, if they get hurt or sparring and to be able to take swelling down to have their body heal in what their doctors have said is half the time that it should have taken.

Speaker 2:

The thing is, we're walking miracles. We are creators and we have the ability to be healthy. We have the ability to be strong. We have the ability to be healthy. We have the ability to be strong. We have the ability to be in alignment. The interesting thing is that most people are never taught that and they don't. Even if they were taught that, they still don't know how. They don't have a method that can help them do that, which is something that I really love the fact that, as a skeptical Westerner, this will work as long as you have a body. If you don't have a body, I can't really help you, but if you do it, works.

Speaker 1:

This is one of the things that I like about what you do, because it's so unique and there must have been challenges along the way the resistance from the Western culture coming in and going. That's not possible here. How did you facilitate the experiments to actually prove this actually works? How does that collaboration come about? If you would share briefly?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and so that's a very good question. It took a couple of decades. So it took rest trips to Indonesia, long training, sabbaticals. So we've been to Indonesia for long term training in 2005, 2007, 2013. But in 2013, my younger brother, who I started this with he stayed there for six months. I only went over her a couple months. He stayed there for six months and brought back a lot of techniques and we started then a pilot project for this blindfolded site, this mind site, and we were able to get a couple people about six people that were able to actually do it.

Speaker 2:

Now, not many people are actually able to do that in this lifetime. Kids definitely pick it up faster, but we all have our different talents, right. Some people are naturally gifted at math, other people that have just they hear music and reproduce it immediately. It's we all come in to experience and have different lessons. So when this happened and we were able to get some people that could reliably do it, we started going to optometrists. We started bringing in some of the best neuroscientists in the world Nassim Haramein, one of the most brilliant quantum physicists, if not the most brilliant quantum physicist on the planet at this time. He saw this and he said yeah, you're feeling the viscosity of space. So, going to these different people and showing them and also giving them a taste test, people can actually experience this quite quickly.

Speaker 2:

Now, of course, nobody's going to be driving a car blindfolded. Okay, everybody out there disclaimer don't go and drive your car blindfolded on the highway. Okay, period After you get my lessons, don't go do that. You're not ready. But there are some people that can do this.

Speaker 2:

And so once we find out, oh, a, it is possible and B, it is reproducible, then we're looking for C, which is the 100 Monkeys effect, which is for more and more people, and there are more and more people around the globe that are having these kinds of phenomenon, whether that's seeing without your eyes, hearing from a great distance, whether it's remote viewing or out-of-body travel, these things are definitely possible. It's just how to unlock them. That's the hard thing that we don't really have a method for Some people just naturally, are gifted at it, and that's what this does, is it does unlock whatever somebody's natural superpowers will be. We just don't know until we actually have them opened and find out oh, okay, that's what yours is great. You can hear from a thousand miles away and be accurate and know what somebody's conversation was and then verify it with them. Wow, okay, great so.

Speaker 1:

I hope that answers your question. It does. Yes, I like what you're speaking into because this is so unique and I think the world is what the world needs to hear about this sort of level of healing, firstly, and but it's more than that. It's knowledge, it's inner knowledge. How would you speak into that? Because this is a different level of the common new word for this would be consciousness, but it's not even that. It's far beyond that. How would you speak into that side of it?

Speaker 2:

You know, baz, this is definitely a non-local function of consciousness. Yes, so we do know through science now that consciousness is not housed inside the body, correct? Yeah, with a magnetoencephalograph we can chart brainwaves outside of the human body. We can find out what our brainwave state is when we're not having even electrodes on our brain. So how is that possible? We understand through quantum mechanics now that consciousness is everywhere in the universe, that we're having this human experience as an energy that has a body right now. But what is the possibility?

Speaker 2:

We have a couple of things that are absolutely in arguable. It doesn't matter who you are. If you argue against these, who you're definitely not seeing things clearly, because these things apply to all beings on the planet. First of, we're here having an experience. We are all having experience. Second part is it's ongoing, no matter what. And the third one is you can't shut it off. So even if you have the most amazing no mind meditation state, you were still having that experience. So you're having experience, it's ongoing and you can't shut it off.

Speaker 2:

So then we get to ask ourselves the questions what do I prefer to experience? Now I know what I don't want, so how can I create what I do want. How can I focus my energy and my consciousness into creating that? And in any situation, asking how is this for me? How, not just did I create this? What is the lesson behind this? If we say, oh, this is the lesson behind this, we then created a paradigm of a box that says this is what I think is going on. But there's a difference between thinking and feeling and being aware when we ask the question, how is this for me? And then we sit quietly with just that question and we allow the higher aspect of ourselves to answer that question.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes and oftentimes, actually, it's not what we thought it was and to that end, a lot of people think they have a lot of brain power, and I'm sure they do. But our subconscious is over a billion times faster as far as this data, information collection and processing than our conscious mind is. If we can only think at 40 to 50 bits of information per second, which is the truth, but our subconscious is operating at 40 billion bits per second, what else are we capable of? If we just tap into more of that, the sky is the limit and we don't really know exactly where the limit is for the human condition. Most people never even bother to think about it. They get so locked down into the unconscious programming of do this, make more humans have a good life, raise them to be good, and then I die.

Speaker 2:

But what if you're actually here not just to do those things, but to be something far greater than you ever thought you would, but your thoughts have actually imprisoned you. That's what this helps people do is break out of that self-imposed prison, and I don't know what your purpose is on the planet, baz, other than to have experience, and that's it. We're all here to do that. When we take something that is so grand as life and our chances of even being a human is one in 400 trillion that's the chance of us actually becoming alive. And so many people waste that they think everything is just what they see, hear, feel, taste, smell. The ancient Egyptians said that we have 360 senses, not five. So what did they know thousands of years ago? That we have forgotten Much, and we also know things that they didn't know, I'm sure. But here's the interesting thing that when we start to tap into those other senses, we start to have a more grand, amazing and fun experience of life and, if I can help anybody, just have a longer fun span job done.

Speaker 1:

This is what I want to get into now. So if someone wants to get hold of you and actually experience this, where do they go? Is there a procedure, or is there just an application form? Or do they just call you up or get on your?

Speaker 2:

website, sure, the very best place for people to start. I do have a free gift where people can actually start to experience the integrated ascension method with a free breath work. It's a very unique kind of breath work and also energy or mental shielding exercise which we all need. And people can just go to my website, which is I am pure dot energy so not calm, it's I am pure dot energy. And right there you can go to my master class. You can go to my leap program, which is the more party putty breathwork which literally electrifies all of yourselves. So I have online programs.

Speaker 2:

But then for the people who would like to take it to a different level and would like to work with me personally, that's either going to be in my executive or my athletes page. That is something that I love to work with, people who can affect the thoughts, minds and the habits of millions of people, because that's gonna be where the big systemic change comes from. So if you're a CEO or if you're a C-suite executive, if you are a professional athlete, if you're an influencer and you would like to work with me directly, you can either come to Utah or I can come to you, or I'm actually going to be holding a beautiful retreat in Costa Rica next February. Those are things that you can get on my schedule. Set up a call with me and we can find out how I can best serve you on your path.

Speaker 1:

I love that. Thank you very much, Nate. Before we go, Nate, because our kitty is very short, is there anything you want to give to the audience or share with the audience of an experience that you had that took you from one one level rising from the ashes into that next sphere of achievement or success?

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, absolutely. Before I do that, though, I just boomerang back to me and remembered if Anyone out there decides that, yes, I really want this, I would love to grab one of these online courses, make sure that you use a coupon code to grab one of these online courses. Make sure that you use a coupon code baz10 b-a-z-10 to get 10 off either my master class, my leap program or both. Okay, make sure you use that, so that I definitely want to make sure that we give a discount to everybody out there who took the time to listen today on experience experiences. And now is this are you asking for an experience that everybody should have or an experience that changed my life?

Speaker 1:

Experience that changed your life personally.

Speaker 2:

In 2007, during my Marpati Putti test to reach another senior level, I had a near-death experience. I was positioned next to a huge generator blowing black smoke into my face for four hours during the test, in the middle of the night, and at the end I was still standing up while I watched my body crumple in front of me and I watched my body be dragged off the testing field by my brother and my trainer and they started reviving me and I had the opportunity to stay or go. You can see what I chose. My mission had not been fulfilled yet. So for me that was another very strong, poignant experience that we're all so much more than our physical bodies. We're more than our thoughts. We think more than we know and we know a lot more than we think.

Speaker 2:

And the most important thing that we can do is breathe, get into our state of presence and oneness and listen. We do enough talking. We do enough talking. Praying is talking to God, meditation is listening for the answer. So listen twice as much as you speak, so that the answers they're all within you. But we do have to take the time to listen and once we do that, amazing things happen in our life. And even if they don't, you can either have amazing things not happen and be stressed out, or amazing things not happen and be completely at peace and at ease. What you prefer, what you choose, it's always right there for us to make that decision and to step into it.

Speaker 1:

I love that message.

Speaker 2:

Thank you very much, nate, for your time and your patience and your love for ascending humanity essentially my pleasure and to everyone out there, I hope you have a great now and a great day on purpose. Thank you very much.

Speaker 1:

From everybody listening. Thank you very much for listening. Tuning. Share this message with somebody. Change someone's life, because I believe that is the case with this, and what Nate's doing is going to change and what he is changing a lot of people and their future and destiny. So share the message with somebody. Nate, thank you very much for being here. It is a pleasure, it's an honour to be with you today. For the rest of the listeners out there, as always, have a blessed day and remember live with purpose and

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