Rise From The Ashes

The Alchemy of Mindset: Transforming Hardship into Prosperity with Dr. Amanda

Baz Porter® Season 4 Episode 2

Have you ever felt like the universe was against you, only to realize that it might have been your own mindset steering the ship astray? Dr. Amanda's incredible transformation from a single mother on food stamps to a six-figure entrepreneur is not just heartwarming; it's a masterclass in the law of attraction and self-empowerment. She joins us to share the potent strategies and mind-shifts that helped her align her thoughts, beliefs, and actions to create the life she desired. By dissecting the often misunderstood concepts behind the law of attraction, Amanda demonstrates the undeniable connection between our inner state and outer success. Her journey uncovers how we, too, can harness this powerful law, not just for financial gain but for profound personal growth.

Resilience and courage take the spotlight as we navigate through the diverse landscapes of personal growth with the wisdom of influential mentors like Dr. John DiMartini and the spiritual insights of Joe Dispenza and Abraham Hicks. The discussion weaves through my own story of overcoming the shadows of depression and the brink of homelessness to find unshakable joy and purpose. Together, we unpack the essentials for daily empowerment, including the creation of an "emergency shift list" and the "inner power formula" that could be the missing puzzle pieces in your journey to fulfillment. Dr. Amanda and I challenge you to embrace the small actions that compound into life-altering transformations, inviting you to join us in an episode that's both a catalyst and a guidepost for anyone ready to lead an empowered, intentional life.

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Friends, our time together is coming to a close. Before we part ways, I sincerely thank you for joining me on this thought-provoking journey. I aim to provide perspectives and insights that spark self-reflection and positive change.

If any concepts we explored resonated with you, I kindly request that you share this episode with someone who may benefit from its message. And please, reach out anytime - I’m always eager to hear your biggest aspirations, pressing struggles, and lessons learned.

My door is open at my Denver office and digitally via my website. If you want to go deeper and transform confusion into clarity on your quest for purpose, visit ceoimpactzone.com and schedule a coaching session.

This is Baz Porter signing off with immense gratitude. Stay bold, stay faithful, and know that you always have an empathetic ear and wise mind in your corner. Until next time!

Baz Porter:

Ladies and gentlemen, good day. Welcome to another episode of Rise from the Ashes podcast, and I am really excited today to introduce a special guest. Her name is Dr Amanda and she has such a powerful story behind her. She's a coach, she is an entrepreneur. She also runs a podcast for herself, but I, as always, because I'm dyslexic, I'm gonna let her introduce herself, because that's the person who speaks about them the best. Amanda, please say hello to the world and tell them who you are and what you do.

Dr Amanda:

Hello world, I'm dyslexic too. I don't really ever share that. I don't know what it shows up for you as, but it's an interesting thing. I keep meeting entrepreneurs who are dyslexic. I'm like, huh, maybe there's something in the brain that causes that to be the case.

Dr Amanda:

I like to always start with inspiration and have people question for themselves when was the last time today you thought about money? When did you think about disempowerment? When did you like, when you wake up in the morning, what are the thoughts that are running through your mind? Because we have 60,000 thoughts a day 60,000, which just blows my mind in and of itself and 90% of them are the same as yesterday and up to 85% of them are negative.

Dr Amanda:

So the reason that I love to work with people on power is because we often have disempowered thinking and disempowered ways of being, which cause us to lead miserable lives and feel like we have no control. And so my whole business and everything that I do is about teaching law of attraction strategies to help people really thrive in what they're creating in business. So I do law of attraction for entrepreneurs. I love to help people get clear, get aligned, get focused and feel that powerful sense of I have a magic wand to create what I choose, to create in a place of fulfillment and really freedom of choice. So we'll start there. My journey started in the pit and now I get to teach people how to get out of the pit and then really thrive and build a life in business from that upward spiral growth curve.

Baz Porter:

I love that and I like the way you've mentioned law of attraction because it has many elements of what it actually is. It's too a lot of people teach it as too generic. The actual nuts and bolts of its quantum physics it's using your own energy, your thought patterns, vibration, frequent and also a lot of universal consciousness to collaborate and hone in on what you want. Is that my correction?

Dr Amanda:

in the overview of that, yes, yeah, yeah, I think that it can be kind of a buzzword and a lot of people don't really understand it. And it's amazing when you do, because you realize, oh, I'm always living by the law of attraction, whether I'm conscious of it or not, so I might as well have it benefit me and benefit the people I work with. And so, yeah, it's state of being is what you're talking about. It's really your state of being. So it's your feelings, your thoughts, your beliefs, your decisions, your actions are all wrapped up in law of attraction.

Baz Porter:

How did you stumble across doing this? It's not something that you just walk into. It's a cool way, in a way.

Dr Amanda:

How did that happen for you? Yeah, it's been such a fun journey I would say fun, challenging roller coaster ride. For me, entrepreneurship started when I was on the floor crying one night. So here I am I left my 15 year marriage having an affair, and my next relationship wasn't working, so he had moved out and our basement was empty and I was sitting like literally laying on the floor crying and just going oh my God, my life is a mess. I was already on food stamps, three kids in grad school as a single mom, and I'm going wow, I am really bad at relationships and I have no money and my life is falling apart.

Dr Amanda:

And I was scanning my history to think who can help me or who can I blame. And as I was scanning the history, I thought, whoa, in every scenario I'm the common denominator. And it really awakened to me to I've got to change, I've got to do something different. No one's coming to save me. This is on me. I'm totally alone, I don't know what I'm going to do. And I got to figure this out and it was in that moment. I wouldn't have used these words at the time, but really I made a declaration and it was I'm willing to do whatever it takes to have a better relationship and more money. And I was stuck and scared. And so I started listening to podcasts and everything my brain started to change. I started to teach differently and relate to people differently and parent differently. And it led me. One step led me to the next. And it was so amazing because, also while this was happening, my graduate department had this national news fallout where professors were leaving the department and I thought, ooh, I don't want to be a professor, this does not look like a fun path. And so I finished my degree. And then I thought all of these people that I'm listening to podcasts by our coach type entrepreneurs, and so I'm going to take the leap and become a coach, because I really loved teaching in university. And so I took the leap.

Dr Amanda:

And that first year of business I went food stamps to six figures. And in every step I've taken, I just keep getting led down the road. I tell people I love this quote by Rumi. He says as you take a step on, the way appears. And that's really how the law of attraction works when you're clear about what you want and you take steps in the direction, the way will appear for you. And so steps just kept appearing and it led me down this road to where I am today, having my own podcast that has a really wide reach and helping entrepreneurs learn the rules of the game of life.

Dr Amanda:

And so you're right when I started, of course, I'd heard of law of attraction, but I never thought I'm going to become a law of attraction coach. I just thought I want to help myself get unstuck, and as I started learning for myself, I had this drive and, like you said, this calling to teach other people, and so it started with a wealth building mastermind, and then it just. That led to another thing and another thing, and here I am today getting to have a really fun business that I love, because it's amazing to watch people, the light bulbs go off and unblock those parts that have kept them stuck for so long, even at high levels, work with people that don't have a ton of money to multi-millionaires, and we all get stuck. So it's been a really amazing journey.

Baz Porter:

I love what you just said, then, about learning and the experience and taking something from that bottom moment of that basement scenario in your case, and the husband being unfaithful. But you've empowered yourself. But not only that you've set yourself a standard, a platform for others to follow, and you're helping them do it, which is amazing. What makes your company unique, what makes your stamp on it going? This is who I am, this is how I show up. Can you share a story that actually proves that or sustains that within your experiences?

Dr Amanda:

It's an interesting question when you say what makes you unique? Because I never know what to say. I always go. I'm unique because I'm uniquely me and it's everyone's unique. How do we label that? I would say.

Dr Amanda:

Something I love about myself is that I'm really big-hearted and big-thinking at the same time, and I'm really good at taking spiritual and universal laws and turning them into practical, actionable steps. So it's like I bridge this gap between business and spiritual, and that's pretty rare. I haven't found that in that many people. Sure, it exists, and yet I think everybody has that capacity as well, and so I always think of building a business as a spiritual growth journey, because it unearths all your shadow parts.

Dr Amanda:

As you build a business, you face all of your deep, dark fears, you face your limited thinking, you face your money blocks, you face it's wild what business brings up, and so I love the entry point of working with someone being hey, they come to me to get help with a business and, realistically, they need help with transforming their spirit, and so I love that. I love that I see that and I can intuit where people are stuck and help them take the next best step for them. And it's unique to each person because it depends on their starting points and what they're thinking and their mindset is.

Baz Porter:

I like what you're describing there is channeled work and the concept of being a channel. I'm a channel. I channeled various works, one of them being cosmic law. So it's the 74 cosmic laws and I'll send you. It is public, awesome, I can't wait to read it. But it's applying what you just said. It's applying the spiritualistic side of things, the intuition, the energy aspects, into a business setting. That's influence.

Baz Porter:

So you said you didn't know how to show up to answer that question. You did very well, because you're being authentic by sharing who you are. Many people struggle with that because they're afraid of who they are and their own power, firstly, and then how to express it in a non egoic way. We're all channels, we're all conduits of information on different levels and different access points. People call it mediumship, people call it transmedia. Whatever you have a name for it, we're all a receiver and also a. Joe D'Aspenza speaks about how to use it and change your energy systems, change your life. You've done that and you're a perfect example of how to do it on the conscious level and business structure level. Is there anybody that's helped you or influenced you in doing what you're doing today? Is there a model or role model you've had that has gone. I like to be that person.

Dr Amanda:

Many. My very first main mentor that I would say just completely blew my life up in the best ways was Dr John DiMartini. So to me he's one of the greatest teachers of all time. I love his work. I think it's universal, law-oriented and it's brain transformation and trauma transformation.

Dr Amanda:

People get really stuck in their victimhood and it's balancing out your perceptions and realizing that everything is perfect as it is. To me it's so groundbreaking and what everybody needs to own radical responsibility in law of attraction. Where you go, oh, I'm the creator of my reality. So, whatever my imbalanced perspectives are going to influence what I attract, and that's not the way he teaches it, but that's my overlay on it after I worked with him and then I got all those certifications. I am an avid learner. So, like I said, I take a step on the way and the way appears. So I find a teacher and then learn what I can and then find the next teacher.

Dr Amanda:

Some great influences. Dr Jondi Marti dispends absolutely. I started meditating when I ran into dispensa and that completely transformed my whole life. I'd say it opened me up to the channeling world where I realized, oh, I guess I've been channeling my whole life when I meditate and connecting me in that spiritual way. I do that really well in meditation and so meditation and Abraham Hicks huge follower of Abraham Hicks in law of attraction, the way that they teach Debbie Ford, so she's the main streamer of shadow work. So many good ones, so I'd say those are some that stand out immediately.

Baz Porter:

What I've noticed within doing this is everybody has a role model, several role models, but what they've done is added their own light or an authenticity to that and that makes you that person. People, you said I don't know how to explain myself. Who am I? You just did, and this is why I'd love going into this, because you're doing it subconsciously and that's important to remember. Courage and resilience are also a huge part of entrepreneurial life. Is there anything that is showing up for you in respect, resilience, and how would you define resilience for yourself? Resilience?

Dr Amanda:

That's such an interesting one. I was born premature and in an incubator for the first two months of my life, and so I'm like that's resilience, the first thing that popped into my mind, which was interesting. So I think in my life I've always been a resilient person who has decided to. I would say at first it was survive through it, and now it's thrive through it. Resilience is a choice. Maybe not when you're younger. Sometimes you are resilient and you persevere through the things that are happening to you. And so I think for me, in that evolutionary consciousness, it goes from resilience might be looking like reacting and surviving into responding and choosing. And so now I get to choose to be resilient.

Dr Amanda:

And in the entrepreneurial endeavors it's fun, because there are always challenges to be resilient and see what you're made of. I love to see what I'm made of, like I take on big challenges all the time just to see what I'm made of and test myself at the next level. Not because it used to be, I think, because I wanted to prove myself, because I didn't think I was good enough. Now it's ooh, let's have fun and see how far I can expand. And so it's that evolution of resiliency across a life course from, I'd say, a disempowered place to a more empowered place.

Baz Porter:

So resilience to disempowered to empowered. For you, what's the difference between courage and resilience? It's interesting.

Dr Amanda:

I wouldn't typically equate the two. I think it depends on what you're creating from a law of attraction perspective, because to me, courage is often you're going to do something even though you might feel afraid, and when fear isn't something I resonate with much anymore. Fear doesn't exist in me. I don't get afraid easily because I'm not aligned in that frequency anymore, and so courage to me I don't feel that courageous because there's no fear for me to overcome, whereas, similarly with resilience, they're not really words I would necessarily use to describe myself. Yes, I've been resilient through time and it's such a choice-based thing. Now Courageousness is just such a part of me being, but it's past that.

Baz Porter:

I like that. The reason I ask that question is simply because some people have a comparison of fear and that shows up for them in different ways. Fear is often felt or fear is often viewed as a negative. It's actually not Because you need the fear to know, first of all, you're alive. Secondly, to overcome something and drive you forward, knowing that something is impossible or possible. Afterwards, how do you identify with or how do you define the impossible versus what you thought was impossible but now becomes possible? That makes sense.

Dr Amanda:

Yeah, let's start here. I think it's interesting. I always teach that we live in two states of being either fear or love. Those are really the only two states that we can be in.

Dr Amanda:

I think of fear as the future expectation of awful results. You're projecting into the future something that hasn't happened and putting a twist on it that is fear-based Unless, of course, a lion is actually chasing you. Then, yes, be afraid. The thing is that 99% of the time, we're not actually in a state of survival threat, yet we make up stories in our mind all the time about fear. The way I think of it is from that perspective. I think I go like how do you create a reality based on inspiration instead of fear?

Dr Amanda:

Most people create their future reality based on fear because they're afraid they're going to lose something. They're afraid they're not going to be good enough. They're afraid that they're not going to get what they want. They're afraid they're going to die before they can make it all happen. Most people live in that state most of the time and they create their future, their present, their future based on a past that has caused them to have some fear.

Dr Amanda:

I go how can you create from a place of just total inspiration and see what's possible from that place. When you're in a state of fear, most things are very hard, and not necessarily impossible, but much harder to reach because you're creating resistance in the moment, which causes the future that you desire to be attracted to you to be pushed away from you. For me, I go. Let's be aware of our fears, because pretending they're not there it doesn't work either. You create resistance that way, so you go. What are my fears and how can I reframe them so that I can create a future of inspiration or even a present moment of inspiration? Because you manifest from your present moment.

Baz Porter:

You said then about manifesting from the present moment, and it's done by a bit of total awareness of who you are, your core, and raising that vibration. You mentioned fear. There is only two fears One is the fear of not being loved and one is the fear of not being worthy for something. Everything else is a concept of and derived from them two places, and if you get back, you can change the origin of it, change the belief systems. But how do you go in from? I'm scared from jumping out of the plane. You're not scared from jumping, you're scared for the possible outcome of something going wrong. But what if you could trust, complete trust and love within yourself? That's the place you create from, that's the power, as you so put it earlier, that power place where love exists, where every possibility, every dimensional reality exists, every frequency is there in that trust, love, unconditional place of self-worth, self-authenticity, self-expression. So when you talk about an inspirational movement, if you could today, what inspirational movement would you start from? That place of love?

Dr Amanda:

I have serendipity. This morning in my meditation I did such a fun one and it was an inner child meditation and it was seeing yourself as eight or up to the age of eight and whatever pops into your mind first, and then talking to your inner child and going from the place of what your core being is, and it was, for me, big-heartedness. I'm in a big-hearted inspiration. One of the main things people say after they hang out with me is do you just feel inspired after you hang out with Dr Amanda? Yeah, studs, and it's not even what I try to do, it's just who I am. And so it's like that thing of creating from a place of inspiration to me is about really knowing who you are and being and doing what you are, and then that is what emanates from your state of being and that's what gets reflected back to you in whatever reality you're creating. And it's like inspiration-based manifestation is the most magnetic, the most powerful.

Dr Amanda:

Inspiration is such a high vibrational frequency and for people listening it's like do what you enjoy. It's so simple. We make it so hard, we do so many things that we don't enjoy, and then we wonder why we lead lives that are miserable. And it's because we think, oh, I have to do this. So anytime you're doing something you think you have to do, you are already creating resistance. So it's like getting up in the morning and go what feels good, what do I enjoy doing? How can I build a life in a business I love and just take one step every single day and play with inspiration, play with joy, play with flow and fun and freedom and be that in the present moment and then have it attract to you? So I don't know if that answered your question, but that's what came to my mind when you asked.

Baz Porter:

But this is why I'm asking these questions, because they're authentic and every answer that I receive is different because everybody's experience is different. Can you give some tips on inspiration that you've learned over the years and how to stay inspired or derivative from the Latin and to barato in your spirit? I love that. It's about you having the awareness that, yes, you're powerful, but you can only create from that authentic center, that spirit center, and most people get sucked into this dense reality of 3D and, although I can't, I'm asked the news, the radio, other people's opinions. Is there anything you can share with the audience that you've learned over your time that you can take and go? This is what I did and these are the tips I suggest you do. You start today as in pause, make a list and do them now.

Dr Amanda:

Yeah, yeah, this is going to sound. It's. My whole business really is helping people learn how to get inspired. My why statement is that I love to help people get inspired to do what it takes to lead to transform into the most empowered versions of themselves so they can lead fulfilling lives and businesses. Right, and it's like that place of it starts with inspiration. You got to be inspired and it's a choice.

Dr Amanda:

I think that people have often some sort of projected myth in their mind that inspiration happens to people. You create inspiration. You got to discover your inspiration. It's the unveiling of your soul, right, that's inspiration. It's letting your light shine in the world and that doesn't just drop in your lab. I don't know anybody who is fulfilled, and when I'm talking fulfilled, I'm not talking like money, success or outer appearance of success. I'm talking like deep soul fulfillment where you wake up every day and you're like I love my life.

Dr Amanda:

And that's a journey of discovery, I think, and steps to take where I started from, because that is definitely not where I started. I started. I've been suicidally depressed before. I have been on food stamps, facing homelessness, broken relationships, abuse, history, like all kinds of stuff in my background that I could easily be a miserable person right now and I chose to do something different and start learning how to lead a life that's inspired. So I love this question you're asking and it started with shifting my state of being, and for me that started with learning everything I could from people who were doing it.

Dr Amanda:

And what I realized over and over again is just like I'm saying, it doesn't just happen. They practice daily. It's a daily practice to be a person who lives in a state of joy. It's not something that just magically happens. Once you start attuning to it in your frequency, it starts to attract more things to be joyful, so it gets easier and easier to do every day. And it starts with that initiation of generally speaking. It starts with a lot of discomfort because for most people, because we're animals and we live by the pleasure paid principle, we won't change until we're in enough pain to change. Most people don't change easily just by choice, if they're comfortable, because we're like oh, I'm pretty comfortable, it's like the golden handcuffs right. Like I'm pretty happy, I'm okay, life's not that great, but I'm not in enough pain to change. So often it starts from a place of discomfort and then you start to recognize oh, when I meditate I feel real good. Oh, when I listen to music that I love and create space in my day for just blocks of white space, I feel good.

Dr Amanda:

And a tip a very practical tip for people is create what I call an emergency shift list. So write down 10 things that bring you joy and then make sure that you do them and do energy check-ins. So I set alarms on my phone. I teach my clients to set alarms on their phone that says energy check-in a couple of times throughout the day and they have their emergency shift list. This could be 10 squats in your office. You're shifting your energy. This could be going on a walk around the block, it could be petting your cat, it could be listening to music, it could be whatever brings you joy for a few minutes and gives you a dose of up-leveling your vibrational frequency.

Dr Amanda:

You start to reprogram yourself over time. So my inner power formula is recognize, reframe, repeat to reprogram. So number one recognize. Number two reframe. Number three repeat to reprogram. When you do this over time, you start to up-level your vibrational frequency just in little stages over time and that's all it takes. It's actually that simple, but most people make it this huge big project and they create so much resistance around it and they have a hard time just shifting their energy in the moment. It could be 3D breaths, like right now. If people just take 3D breaths, like breathe in and out and in and I teach 3D breasts to people and they're like whoa, I feel completely different after 3D breasts. That literally takes 30 seconds and then you start to reprogram yourself for feeling more inspired in a line. I like that.

Baz Porter:

It's the little steps, the baby steps and building the muscle of repetition over that time period. People say, oh, it takes too long. Three months or six months or 12 months a long span of time and considering you've got to live with yourself for a minimum of 50, 60, 70, 80 years, you can put that working. Now you're pretty much screwed because you're not looking at a bigger picture, you mentioned earlier. You look at a macro, but you're also focused on the micro and day-to-day routines and effective, not just routines, but effective routines that actually work. Which is what I love about people like yourself, Because a lot of these coaches going into this don't have that knowledge. It's not because they don't, are not aware, not willing to go and get it, but they turn up and show up as a coach, as a life coach, as a business coach, but deep down, they've actually got a huge amount of pain, post-synchronicus. They're trying to show up as something molded by someone else that they've not truly embodied or even built the muscle to do, such as having the awareness of. I want to take a pause, I want to breathe, I want to chill out for 10 minutes, I want to reset my day, I want to go back to bed for half an hour, meditate and then get up again. These things work.

Baz Porter:

I was speaking to a guest a few weeks ago and she was in the corporate world for 25 years. She was a model. She was working as a very high-level CEO and she was working for Vogue and in that industry. She had a car accident and a deer came through her window screen, completely wiped her out and she woke up in the hospital. She was eight months in the hospital for multiple surgeries.

Baz Porter:

She said to me she'd never had to be grateful for anything. She didn't physically, mentally or emotionally know what gratitude was. And then she went deeper in within herself and a month, two months later around her house, she had 250,000 post-it notes around her house reminding her what to be grateful for. Now she speaks on stages and businesses, but for 35 years of her life nearly, it was just I'm just a state of being, this is who I am, Until she had a wake-up call and that gratitude came through. She didn't have any other choice of awareness of I can be this person. I can do that, and that's the thing that sets people like you apart.

Baz Porter:

You've got that story. You've got the experience to go into that and go stop what you're doing. You're an absolute num because you're not seeing a bigger picture. You're focused on the fear, what you don't have, blah, blah, blah, blah, and that's what's creating your reality. That's why I love these conversations. So the global movement of what you're doing is the ripple effect. The ripple effect isn't just all through our stone. It's much in your case, it's much bigger than that. This is what I've done myself and I've been where you are. This is coming from experience and knowledge-based, proven techniques that you have acquired to elevate your life in business. That's why I love having these discussions. If there was one person you could have a conversation with past, present or, equally, future who would it be? So many people.

Dr Amanda:

Yeah, I know I love this. I'm sure you've read Napoleon Hill's Thinking Groovage. So I teach people in my program to do a power mastermind committee where they commune with people that are alive as their mastermind committee in a meditation process, and so we just did that this week and it's like, oh, there's so many brilliant minds and hearts and souls.

Dr Amanda:

I'd say, one person who's no longer alive, who I haven't gotten to commune with other than in my mind, would be Debbie Ford. So she wrote a book called the Dark Side of the Light Chasers, and she is the person who really mainstreamed the term shadow work from Carl Jung and she, to me, is one of the most brilliant women, just humans, that just deep soul, goodness you know. So I would love to hang out with her and have some tea and just chat for hours. So, oh, absolutely yes, for sure. Abraham Hicks is on my list as well. Yep, bob Proctor, I never got to hang out with.

Dr Amanda:

Bob Proctor in person, so that would be nice to.

Baz Porter:

I've got a friend of mine she worked for she's one of the CEOs of Disney executives and she actually had the opportunity to go to New Zealand to see her live and I haven't had the opportunity to, but she said it blew. It changed her entire life.

Dr Amanda:

For Abraham Hicks yeah, yeah, I just saw her live in a couple of months ago in Denver.

Baz Porter:

Yeah, I'm in just outside of Boulder, so we're very oh funny, I mean Colorado Spring.

Dr Amanda:

I lived in Boulder for 25 years. We didn't know that about each other. Yeah, yeah, I love Boulder.

Baz Porter:

I'm often down in Elizabeth in that area and also in Colorado Springs. One of my board members and I'm on his board as well. He lives in Colorado Spring in Elizabeth.

Dr Amanda:

These are full-style caranel yeah, that's amazing. I didn't know that about you.

Baz Porter:

See, it's having the most strangest places as you can, as you see yourself now. Where would you like to be in an ideal world you can create in three years time? What's your aspiration for the future?

Dr Amanda:

So many. I'd say my lifetime business goal is to impact a minimum of five million people, and impact meaning like podcast books, getting to work with me in group coaching or in any of the programs that I create in the world. I really like what you said about ripple effect, because let's say that I impact five million people. Those five million people then ripple effect that out into the world and for me, I just go.

Dr Amanda:

When I set that goal at the beginning of my business, it felt huge. I was like I don't know if this is possible. And now I go okay, I'm on track for 2024 to have a million downloads on my podcast and I'm like, okay, this is five million. Might've been planned small, but so it's just fun to think, like, with the way that we can structure business as entrepreneurs and online entrepreneurs wow, the impact is just phenomenal. And so my lifetime goals do what I love, be in my zone of genius, help other people do that and just let that ripple out into the world in whatever way is in the highest good of all, and play from that field.

Baz Porter:

And I was about to say, I think, with what you're doing in the world, five million is very modest because of how you show up and that's my personal opinion on that. Is there anything you would like to share with the audience that they can go to? If you're gonna weigh something Is, as I said, it's complete your service to you. So if you use a link you wanna give, this is somewhere you wanna send them. And, by the way, are you planning to be an author?

Dr Amanda:

I have a book. Yes, I have a. Yes, so, if they go, I have many fun things. I don't wanna overwhelm people with links, so one that's an absolute must listen to my podcast, interpower Entrepreneur. That's a really great place to get to know me. If you're liking what you heard here today, you'll love the podcast. So Interpower Entrepreneur podcast, I would say Law of AttractionForEntrepreneurscom. So Law of AttractionForEntrepreneurscom it's the way I play with people every morning to help them get aligned for whatever level of success that they choose. So seven day free trial. Really, I'd say that this is like my heart program. It's all the experience I have, all the knowledge, all the wisdom wrapped up into this program that is just people are loving. So Law of AttractionForEntrepreneurscom yeah, I have a ton of incredible resources for people. So Interpower Daily is my company. So everything's under InterpowerDailycom and they can find the Law of Attraction program, access to me through coaching, free courses, my book, my podcast, like everything I do in the world, is housed there. So InterpowerDailycom.

Baz Porter:

Awesome. Thank you very much. Is there anything you'd love to add to the audience or to share with anybody before we depart? Today we're not partying, but we yeah, I'd say remember this.

Dr Amanda:

I always tell people this is a universal principle. Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. So that's a universal principle. So then I add to this your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. If you don't like what you're getting on the outside, change what's within. Make radical responsibility and stop blaming the world for where you're at and instead choose to learn the universal principles that will help you master the game of life and have fun, because now you have a magic wand to create whatever you choose to create consciously and deliberately. I love that.

Baz Porter:

And I wanna thank you, dr Amanda, for showing up and spending time with me today. I love this conversation. It's very rare that I find somebody so versed in the energetics and the mechanics. For all of attraction, as you said earlier, it's a generic buzzword for a lot of people. My advice, if you're listening to this, please go and check Dr Amanda out on what she's doing in the world. Don't be shy. Give that feedback, ask her for advice. Entrepreneurs are going. I strongly believe this. They will save the world going forward because of their knowledge, their advice and their real world experiences. So please go and check her out and don't be shy. Send her an email, have a call with her, have a conversation. For myself, it's been an honor. Thank you very much, dr Amanda, for your time, your love and your energy here. Thank you.

Dr Amanda:

Thank you, it's been pure joy.

Baz Porter:

For myself. You know what to do. Guys, thank you very much for joining me. Please share, download if you wish. If not, share it with a friend. You may actually change someone's life. For myself, I'm Bars Porter. Live with purpose and inspire with legacy. My friends have a blessed day.

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